Incentivizing your Scouts Just as the Council incentivizes your units with commission for participating we also incentive the Scouts. Your unit, with the commission should also be allocating some funds to incentivize your Scouts in order to increase participation and sales Ways to incentivize: Top seller prizes, sell $1,000 win a free scooter Reward Scouts with 5% of their individuals sales total Prize for highest seller in each Den Have your own unit prizes Free Dairy Queen Ice Cream Pie in the Face Shave your head Wrestle a pig Free registration, Boys Life and activity fee’s Free Day Camp
Show & Sell or Unit Blitz Day Make the experience fun and reward them for showing up with Blizzard card or free frosty from Wendy’s. Do knot tying skills or some other advancement skill to keep them entertained and occupied. Do $1.00 competitions: $1.00 for the first Scout to sell an unbelievable, or first Scout to get a Yes sell $1.00 for the first on-line sell $1.00 for the first military donation Don’t forget to also incorporate some incentive even for their “no” sales, those are deflating to a young man so maybe $1.00 for next no sell. Maybe little Johnny tried to upsale or turned a no I don’t eat popcorn into a military donation – It’s all about keeping them engaged and learning new techniques/communications skills that guide them into their futures.
Prizes If your unit does a prize program increase your prizes as your sales increase.
Incentivize those who participate Incentivize those who participate. It’s not right to let one top seller earn the units entire Year of Scouting, it should be a joint effort. Give them some reason to have “buy in” or “skin in the game”. Provide two budgets, your unit program plan and budget then also one that incorporates an increase in popcorn sales and what programs could be added IF they accomplished that increase. Find out what will drive your Scouts to achieve – trinky prizes and Chucky Cheese example Provide one sheet with the incentives broken down by dollar total – this reminds the Scout what all they can earn and encourages them to sell the next $100 to hit the next thing on the list. Plus it’s all on one sheet that they can easily reference.
ONLY ENTER DATA IN HIGHLIGHTED SPACES 2014-2015 Unit Program Planner ONLY ENTER DATA IN HIGHLIGHTED SPACES 1. Enter all your activities and costs per Scout under each month. Unit Type and Unit # Pack 2. Enter your number of Scouts and unit commission %. Number of Scouts in Unit 5 3. Fill in the five shaded fields at the bottom of the sheet. Unit Commission % 36% September October November Activities Cost Welcome to Scouting $8.00 Cub Haunted Weekend $12.00 University of Scouting $10.00 Freeze out Campout Total Cost $20.00 December January February Holiday Party $5.00 Pack Field Trip $1.00 Service Project $0.00 Bike / Nature Hike March April May Pine Wood Derby Goofball Olympics Boat Ragatte' $15.00 June July August No activities Cub Day Camp $32.50 $2.00 Pack overnight $7.00 $0 Registration & Insurance Unit Total Activity Cost & Expenses $568 Boys' Life Scout Total Activity Cost & Expenses $114 Uniform Other Expenses $100 Advancements Unit Sales Goal $1,854 Total Expenses Scout Sales Goal $ 370.83 Unit Commission $ 667.50 Rank Patches 1.89 1.89 X 5 Scouts 9.45 Activity Patches 1.99 1.99X5X7adventures 69.95 79.4 2014-2015 Unit Program Planner ONLY ENTER DATA IN HIGHLIGHTED SPACES 1. Enter all your activities and costs per Scout under each month. Unit Type and Unit # Pack 2. Enter your number of Scouts and unit commission %. Number of Scouts in Unit 5 3. Fill in the five shaded fields at the bottom of the sheet. Unit Commission % 36% September October November Activities Cost Welcome to Scouting $8.00 Cub Haunted Weekend $12.00 University of Scouting $10.00 Meet the Troops Webelos Weekend Campout Freeze out Campout Total Cost $18.00 $22.00 $20.00 December January February Holiday Party $5.00 Pack Field Trip $1.00 Service Project $0.00 Charter Org Lock In Camp Out $2.00 Bike / Nature Hike $7.00 March April May Pine Wood Derby Goofball Olympics Boat Ragatte' District Dinner $15.00 $13.00 June July August No activities Cub Day Camp $32.50 Adventure Camp $57.50 Pack overnight $90.00 $0 Registration & Insurance Unit Total Activity Cost & Expenses $990 Boys' Life Scout Total Activity Cost & Expenses $198 Uniform Other Expenses $100 Advancements Unit Sales Goal $3,028 Total Expenses Scout Sales Goal $ 605.56 Unit Commission $ 1,090.00 Rank Patches 1.89 1.89 X 5 Scouts 9.45 Activity Patches 1.99 1.99X5X7adventures 69.95 79.4
Take this time together to accomplish more than just popcorn Take this time together to accomplish more than just popcorn! Use this as a teaching moment to help those Cubs learn how to talk to customers, train them what to say and how to say it to be impactful to the customer, therefore; increasing sales. Most Important – Have fun, sell popcorn and tell the Scouting story with your words, pictures and actions!
Parents and Leaders – Remember – These are kids and what drives or motivates them is different than what motivates us! Unit Leaders, Pie in the Face or Shaved head or face goes a long way to motivate a young man. See if all your parents will let their specific Scout pie them in the face if he achieves his sale goal. Let all the Scouts then pie the leader(s) in the face if they accomplished their unit goal. One unit had a mom agree to dye her hair blue if her son could sell $2,500 and get on the scholarship program – her “friends” bought a LOT of popcorn. It’s worth the giggles and smiles -- Making memories -- Getting everyone to buy into sale