The Role of Emergency Shelters in a Crisis Response System Mitch Wippern, Chief Deputy Director County of Napa Health and Human Services Agency
Homelessness IN Napa County: Performance
Homelessness IN Napa County: Performance SHELTERS FOR SINGLE ADULTS 72% exited back to homelessness 28% of clients to permanent housing SHELTERS FOR FAMILIES 34% exited back to homelessness 66% of exited to permanent housing
Homelessness IN Napa County: Performance
Homelessness IN Napa County: System CHANGE WHY: FINANCIAL IMPERATIVE Loss of HUD Funding CSH/NAEH Study WHAT: POLICY & SHELTER PRACTICE Low Barrier Understand “Front Door” vs. “Back Door” More Housing, including Rapid Rehousing Challenge Coordinated Entry Flexible Subsidy Housing Pool
Homelessness IN Napa County: Partnerships Political Support Community Support CoC Support
Homelessness IN Napa County: Data
Homelessness IN Napa County: Innovation WHOLE PERSON CARE PILOT FUNDING: $2.3M each year for 5 years INNOVATION IN ACTION Data Dive Meeting Communication Strategy Creating Partnership Shortening the Line vs. Just Serving the Line