Kiel Marine Science – KMS Mission to strengthen the position of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein as an excellent international location for marine research to increase the visibility of the Kiel University’s outstanding profile in the investigation of past, present and future changes in the ocean and coasts, locally, nationally and internationally to increase the national and international visibility of the MSc courses in marine sciences and the development of an structured doctoral program in marine sciences (with GEOMAR) to underline the intention of further development of the marine science profile with expertise in research topics such as international law of the sea, sea level rise, coastal zone management and technology, aquaculture, and sustainable fisheries to integrate those topics in stakeholder dialogue events with society, politics and economy e.g. with KDM – the German Marine Research Consortium, (e.g. parliamentary evenings, workshops, …..) last but not least to strengthen internal communication between scientists at Kiel University and our partner institutes
Kiel Marine Science – Research Questions Ocean Surface Chemistry How can modern laser spectroscopic methods be used to advance our molecular level understanding of marine processes? International Law of the Sea What is the legal framework regulating activities being undertaken in the open sea and on the seafloor? Environmental, Resource and Research Ecological Economics What are the economic aspects of climate change mitigation, adaptation and climate engineering? Marine Geology and Paleoclimate Research Which processes control sediment (re)disposition and transport?
Kiel Marine Science – Research Questions Molecular Biology / Plant Physioloy How can microalgae and their pharmacological activity be used for bioenergy production? Microbiology How can we use marine genetic resources for potential biotechnological and medical applications? Polar Ecology How do changes in the ocean due to climate affect the distribution, composition, diversity and ecosystem functions of benthic biocoenoses? Marine Medicine What are the interactions between complex barriers and microbiota in the Ocean? Marine Aquaculture How can we develop environmentally friendly methods for aquaculture? Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification How do organisms respond to ocean acidification in regulating their cellular pH?
Kiel Marine Science – Research Questions Marine Geoscience What are the dominant processes and environmental controls of mass wasting? Sedimentology, Coastal and Continental Shelf Research How does the coastline react to short and long term fluctuations in sea level? Marine Geology and Paleoclimate Research What role do marine biogeochemical cycles play in global climate change? Geography How can the impacts of coastal hazards be assessed?
General Assembly 2015 KMS – Kiel Marine Science