EBS English와 함께 하는 영어 쿠킹클래스 “Mapo Tofu Risotto & Tofu Parfait” Presented by Nicole Hosted by ㈜ 풀무원 메뉴개발실
< Cooking Tools > pan pot spatula chopping board knife scoop
< Ingredients > ★ Mapo Tofu Risotto ★ tofu cooked rice shrimp bell peppers chili bean sauce whipping cream minced garlic chives oil salt & pepper
< Ingredients > ★Tofu Parfait★ tofu ice cream peach maple syrup bean flour
< How to Make Risotto > 1 1 2 1 3 Chop. - Dice the tofu 2 x 2 cm. - Chop the shrimp, bell peppers, and chives finely. Stir-Fry & Boil. - Stir-fry the shrimp and minced garlic for 30 sec. - Add 1 bowl cooked rice and 1 cup water. Boil. Flavor. - Add 1 bag chili bean sauce and 2/3 cup whipping cream. Boil for 2 min. 1 4 1 5 Simmer. - Add the tofu and bell peppers. - Simmer for 3 min. over low heat. Season & Garnish. - Season with salt and pepper. - Garnish the risotto with the chopped chives.
< How to Make Parfait> 1 1 2 1 3 Chop. - Dice the tofu 1x1cm. - Add 1Ts maple syrup and bean flour. Scoop. - Place 2 scoop vanilla ice cream on top. Flavor up. - Add 1ts maple syrup and bean flour. 1 4 Add Fruit. - Add peach slices and enjoy!
Nutrition Facts Mapo Tofu Risotto Tofu Parfait Calories (kcal) Protein (g) Fat Carbohydrate Sodium (mg) Calcium Dietary Fiber 965 30 20 500 405 70