1. 30-Second Sound Bite Response to “What do you do?” Informally written and memorized. Tailor it to your target customers. Focus on benefits you provide your customers. Include your business name. Include the main product or service you provide.
30-Second Sound Bite Cont. Avoid big words, technical words, jargon or slang. Make the tone conversational. Once you write it, make sure you use it at every opportunity. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll feel saying it. Use it to start a dialogue not a monologue.
2. Create a Website Websites today are as common as business cards. Many online web hosts offer step-by-step instructions to help you design your own website using a few easy tools for just a few dollars a month.;;;;
Domain Name Start by choosing a domain name. Shorter is better. Use your business name if it is available. If not, try for an abbreviated version or something close.
Basic Website Content Home page; About Us, Products or Services, Contact Us Optional pages: Case Studies, Testimonials, Portfolio, Newsletters, Company History. Keep it simple and uncluttered. Aim at your target customers. Focus on benefits instead of services. Include your business name, logo, tagline if you have one, address, phone number, fax number and email address on every page.
Home Page Introduce yourself. Pick three main benefits your company provides. Briefly describe how each one can improve your customers’ lives or businesses. Use informal, conversational language. Speak to the customer.
Products/Services Page Describe your three main products and/or services. Include product photos. Give the customer a reason to get excited about your products or services. Tell them the one thing special about your business that sets you apart from the competition.
Contact Us Page Tells potential customers how to reach you to place an order or for more information. Always include a Call to Action. Calls to Action can be simple: Call today or Visit our store. Offer potential customers a benefit such as a discount, a free product or a booklet. Make sure to include: your business name, logo, tag line if you have one, address, phone number, fax number and email address.
3. Write a Media Release Media releases help promote your business, reinforce your legitimacy and attract new customers. News can include: Grand opening; New product or service; Changes in location or products; Website launch; Awards/recognition; New hires; Hosting an event Include: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How Much and Why Should I Care.
Writing Tips Keep it simple and direct. Limit it to one page. Good quality photos increase the odds that your release will get published. Include all contact information. Be newsy, not salesy.
Release Distribution Your own website, newsletter or blog Facebook and LinkedIn Email Free online media release distribution sites Local newspapers Magazines Trade publications Business journals Association newsletters
4. Email Marketing It’s cheaper than direct mail, newspaper, radio or TV ads. A variety of companies like Constant Contact help you design professional-looking emails at very low cost. Keep it simple and brief. Personalize it to the individual customer. Subject line needs to be catchy.
Email Marketing Types Newsletters Promotions Events Coupons Specials
5. Networking Always have your business card handy. Make sure friends, family and people you meet socially know what you do. Marketing Expos Chamber of Commerce events Networking is a two-way street. Use it to build relationships. Work it!
Finally If you’re still intimidated by the process or don’t think you have the time for these do-it-yourself techniques, contact a professional writer, graphic artist or website designer. Their services are tax deductible. The benefits are priceless!