Another logo
Getting started Defaults OK, Name the document Wildlife. Open the Layers panel and re-name the single layer Background
Missing Magic wand and quick Selection…oops Photoshop issue If no Quick Select, Magic Wand, add them Edit>toolbar Choose Magic Wand and Quick Select
Deselect the Background layer
Add another layer Use the Create New Layer tool to create an empty layer named Logo Elements: Drag On top of Background Lock Logo Elements: and select Background layer
Creating the Main Ellipse Shape We’re going to create a main ellipse and then copy and paste it on top of the original ellipse: That will give us two identical ellipses. Select the Ellipse Tool (be sure you selected the Background Layer ) Width: 6.19” Height: 6.26” Fill: black Stroke: none
Ellipse… Select your ellipse then Edit>Copy and Edit>Paste in front The copied version will be on top, as shown below. To verify this, hide/show the top Layer: Lock Logo Elements: and select Background layer
Naming Name the top ellipse Outer Ellipse Name the other one Text Path If you can’t tell which ellipse is which, click the blue dot in the Layers panel: The selected object will be obvious: Move the Text Path layer above the Outer Ellipse
Resize Text Path ellipse What tool? Select the Text path layer Click the blue dot to select the content in the Text Path
Resize…Use 5.3” x 5.3” as the new width and height: Dimensions; Text path Resize…Use 5.3” x 5.3” as the new width and height:
Type on a path Hide the Outer Ellipse layer to make it easier to work on the Text Path ellipse Type “The American Society for Wildlife Advancement” Use Trebuchet ms, 24 pts
Color the text red What tool lets us color text? Ours to be red: With the text selected, double-click the Fill tool (to color text) and enter #CC2957 as the color value, a light red Here is the Color Picker where you enter the hex values
Drag Unhide the outer ellipse Drag text ellipse on top of outer ellipse Center (align)the ellipses:
Adding another Text Path (Ellipse) Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Add another ellipse 5.3 x 5.3 Fill color can be anything Name its layer as PA text
Select PA Text Choose Type on a path Type Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, in yellow, Trebuchet Place the text on the bottom of the ellipse: Drag the PA Text layer inside the main ellipse:
Center all Select them all Use Align palette
One more ellipse Going to put inside the text layers Pale blue Create ellipse 5.0 by 5.0 Cyan blue Align, as usual Effect>Stylize>Feather; position it
Add : trees, rocks, clouds Make sure clouds are behind all else
Add colors Use swatches color library Choose nature>landscape.
Recolor the outer ellipse Select it Click in the Landscape panel on the color you want. I chose a dark green; the last one in the second row
Color the blue area Select the Fill tool: . Click the blue ellipse to select it Select the Fill tool: Choose a lighter green: Choose the color that is third from the right Note: Layers don’t select OBJECTS; they select layers so they can be moved. To select art, click the tiny circles
Type: all same colors Make all the text be the same Remember contrast! Click and shift click on the two text’s on paths Select (see below) Select layers with text Use Fill to color them
Add black stroke Select outer ellipse Select Stroke black, 8 points:
Final Select all Group Crop and done