Vocational Services and The Compensated Work Program (CWT) Albany Stratton VA Medical Center
Vocational Services Readjustment counseling Vocational assessment Career exploration Educational/vocational planning Skill development and support Job readiness training Job retention
Vocational Services (cont.) Transitional Work Job seeking skills development Job placement services/assistance Referrals to community resources Peer Support
Planning Assessment of strengths, abilities, needs, preferences and interests Goal setting for educational, training and work
Transitional Work (TW) Vocational working environments at the VA hospital and the community Currently Veterans working at the VAMC in various departments housekeeping, grounds, kitchen, Canteen, supply etc. Saratoga National Cemetery Community placements annually April-October Additional Community businesses
Supported Employment CWT/Supported Employment Program Community based program with the goal of helping veterans find meaningful employment.
Program Activities Bi-annual Job Fairs at the VA Resource Fairs at the VA Weekly Veteran Career Network Monthly Aftercare Support Gatherings Vocational Support groups
Veteran Career Network Held weekly at the VAMC as an open invitation to ALL Veterans who are seeking employment assistance Individualized attention and linkages to additional VA and Community resources Resume services, industry specific leads and contacts Special events where local HR specialists present opportunities and provide additional assistance