Monday, August 21, 2017 LT: Students will understand PE and KE. Notes on PE and KE Foldable on PE & KE
This was my favorite hang out in the summer when I was a kid
My grandfather help to build this
What does this have to do energy?
What is energy?
What did engineers need to know to build these?
This was my favorite ride at Dorney Park This was my favorite ride at Dorney Park. What does this have to do with energy transformation and different types of energy?
INB Table of content Question: What are the two types of energy? Left side pg # Content Right side pg # 1 TOC 2 PE & KE foldables 3 Notes on Energy Question: What are the two types of energy?
What is energy? When an object has energy, it can make things happen. Energy is the ability to cause change or to do work Unit of measure is Joules Each time work is done “something” is given off by one object to another that allows it to do work. That “something” is energy. Work and energy are so closely related that Amount of work = Amount of energy Unit of measure for work and energy is the joule (J)
Transferring Energy Everything around you has energy, but you only notice energy when a change takes place. Anytime a change occurs, energy is transferred from one object to another. You hear a footstep because energy is transferred from a foot hitting the ground to your ears.
Types of energy Kinetic Energy is energy of motion Factors of kinetic energy are velocity and mass. If an object is not moving it does not have kinetic energy The more mass an object has the more kinetic energy it will have Determining kinetic energy of an object KE (Joules) = mass (kg) x velocity2 (m/s)2/ 2
Potential energy is stored energy. Gravitational potential energy is energy stored by objects due to their position above Earth’s surface. GPE of an object depends on the object’s mass and height above the ground. GPE can be calculated using the following equation GPE (J) = m (Kg) x acceleration of gravity (m/s2) x height (m)
Potential energy cont. Elastic potential energy is energy stored in elastic materials that are compressed or stretched. The more an elastic material is compressed or stretched, the more elastic potential the object possesses.
Mechanical energy Mechanical energy is the total energy of motion and position of an object. Mechanical energy can be all potential energy, all kinetic energy, or some of both. The total mechanical energy of an object equals the sum of its KE and PE. The total energy of an object is constant. If an objects position and velocity change, its KE and PE change so to maintain a constant total energy. When PE is high, KE is low When KE is high, PE is low.
InB foldable