Homiletics 2: Advanced Preaching Dr. Rick Griffith • Singapore Bible College • BibleStudyDownloads.org Dr Alan Stanley, Mueller School of Ministries, Australia
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Our Goal: To Bridge the Gap!
Course Description A Sharpens skills in effective sermon preparation and delivery begun in Homiletics I. Additional instruction on converting exegetical outlines to sermon outlines for accurate expository messages, topical messages, proper use of illustrations, and sermon delivery. Students preach at least two sermons in the class. Prerequisite: Homiletics I.
Course Objectives By the course's end the student should be able to… A. More clearly articulate the essential material taught in Homiletics I. B. Better develop exegetical and homiletical outlines than was possible in Homiletics I. C. Gain even more confidence preaching biblical passages before the class. D. Articulate the problems unique to preaching certain types of sermons (narrative, evangelistic, topical, wedding, funeral, controversial, etc.).
Course Objectives By the course's end the student should be able to… E. Understand the essentials of preaching better by translating them into another language (preferred) or else by teaching five sessions (for monolinguals). F. Make relevant applications from a text of Scripture. G. Evaluate his/her own and others’ sermons and know why they were good or bad so as to know how to improve them.
Course Objectives By the course's end the student should be able to… H. Preach narrative, topical, monologue, evangelistic, wedding, and funeral sermons. I. Gain the skill and confidence to design PowerPoint to use in preaching.
Four Objectives: A Sermon That is… 25 True Interesting Four Objectives: A Sermon That is… Clear Relevant
v Course Requirements Readings with a basis in Ramesh Richard's book (5%) B. Review Exam (5%)
SBC Course Requirements v SBC Course Requirements Readings (5%) Review Exam (5%) Project (20%) Assignments (20%) Speaking (50%)
The 6 Written Assignments B The 6 Written Assignments These prepare you for your speaking
SBC Speakers & Evaluators
Please Submit These for Both 15 Minute Sermons… C The Day Before You Preach… Outline Assigns. 1 & 2 (or 3 & 4) PPT slide(s) of sermon outline Copies of your sermon outline for all Manuscript annotated for clarity The Day You Preach… Memory key to record your sermon Within Two Days After You Preach… Sermon Self Evaluation (p. 104)
In a fog over your assignment? Ask for help!
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Other Matters Copying Class Notes Contacting Me SBC box L19 or phone (6559-1513) Mobile number 9113-7090 Home address is SBC Block 2-302 E-mail: griffith@sbc.edu.sg My office hours are… Let's have lunch too!
Preaching (Homiletics) link at BibleStudyDownloads.org Get this presentation for free! Preaching (pr) Homiletics Preaching (Homiletics) link at BibleStudyDownloads.org