The Story of God Revelation
Revelation Is the consummation of the Bible story God reigns over all the earth—without rebellion The righteous are vindicated and the wicked are punished The righteous live in joy and peace, the wicked exist in torment God is glorified, and humans are satisfied The curse is undone Satan is conquered But first there is great conflict
Revelation Describes what will happen “shortly.” 1.1; 22.6 It doesn’t mean “soon,” as much as means “speedily” or quickly. When the end begins, events will move speedily. Promises blessing to those who read. 1.3 Is the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is ABOUT Jesus It is FROM the Father Is is FOR the saints
1.19 explains the outline 1.19 the things you have seen 1.19 the things which are 1.19 the things which shall be
What John had seen. 1.1-20 Jesus. 1.4-8 The preposition “from” means “out of, ” the “place where something starts” It’s found in “apocalypse:” “out of veiling,” or “out of hiding.” Jesus was, is, and is to come Jesus has a throne Jesus is the first begotten of the dead
He is the Head of the kings of the earth He loved us and washed us in His blood He has made us kings and priests He is coming with the clouds. This is His Second Coming, not the Rapture
The things that were. 2-3 The “state of the Church” With the emphasis being upon their labor, toil, struggles, and persecution. The Church on earth is engaged in the great conflict with Satan
The things that shall be. 4-22 In Revelation 4-5, the focus shifts from earth to Heaven In Revelation 6-11, there is a brief explanation of God’s ultimate victory. (11.15-19) Revelation 12-19 are further explanation Revelation 20 is the Great White Throne and the inauguration of the Kingdom Revelation 21-22 describe the new Heaven and earth
Revelation brings to a conclusion, the themes seen in the rest of the Bible Opposition to God is crushed Redemption is only through the blood of Christ. 7.9-16 Christ’s supremacy is recognized. 11.15 God’s judgment is final and eternal. 20.10-15