Plug It In: Electric Vehicles as a Potential Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy Jeffrey Perlman, PP, AICP, LEED-AP North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority
Transportation Sector Accounts for Approximately 28% of the Region’s GHG Emissions (2006)
The NJTPA GHG Mitigation Plan Developed an on-road mobile source GHG emissions baseline through 2050 Identified GHG reduction strategies tailored to northern New Jersey Evaluated strategies at the regional, county, and municipal levels
Regional GHG Emissions Will Drop Even as Regional Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) Increases
Electric Vehicle Market Penetration Will Need to be Significant in Order to Achieve Meaningful GHG Emissions Reductions
Global Warming Response Act Electric and Alternative Fueled Vehicles are Critical to Reducing GHG Emissions in Accordance with the Global Warming Response Act +2% -34% -53% -62% -68%
Conclusions Increased efficiency of the Light Duty Vehicle fleet combined with aggressive deployment of EV and AFV result in the greatest GHG reductions A mix of regional, state, and local programs and partnerships to expand the availability of charging infrastructure should be pursued Continued or expanded Federal and state incentives/subsidies for EV purchases and private EVSE installation Ultimately consumer decisions will be based on price, vehicle reliability, and potential savings
Visit the NJTPA Climate Initiative for more information One Newark Center, 17th Floor Newark, NJ 07102 (973) 639-8400