How can spatial information be obtained, managed, maintained and delivered within Arctic Council ? Ole Kristian Bjerkemo EPPR Executive Secretary
Background A lot of data which is spatial in nature have been generated the latest years The approach to manage the data have been national and dedicated to specific issues Fragmented datasets which is distributed throughout many organizations Difficult to combine and use the datasets for analysis A need for a dedicated Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI
Why an ASDI? All of the AC WGs are engaged in compiling information Several WGs employ GIS as a tool for preparing maps Avoid duplication of work WGs can use each others data Recommendations from various meetings and workshop
Common strategy for spatial data policy within AC Strategic vision – ASDI, a coordinating instrument Research Outreach Administrative The Arctic GIS/mapping community GIS/mapping datasets and their maintenance Underlying feature layers (coastlines, population centre) Thematic layers (permafrost, vegetation, seabirds etc) The need for standards (EU, US, Canada)
Main goal of Spatial data and the Arctic Council Integrate AC activities into an overall ASDI and to ensure that relevant AC GIS/mapping activities are conducted in a way that is compatible with the standards and procedures. AC WGs can benefit from work in the wider GIS/mapping community and vice versa
Review of existing datasets Positional accuracy Attributes and their associated accuracy Temporal accuracy Logical consistency Data completeness Data ownership and conditions of use Metadata Contribution to long-term sustainability of the Arctic and beyond A review of this information would be very useful to the process of developing a common Arctic Council strategy for GIS/mapping activities. In this context it is suggested that AC WGs be requested to provide relevant information on GIS/mapping datasets for which they are the owner and GIS/mapping datasets that are necessary/desirable for their work. This review would be conducted through a questionnaire which would involve an assessment of their datasets under criteria such as[1]: [1] Bernhardsen, Thor (2002) GIS: An Introduction – p215
Preliminary conclusions and Recommendations There is a major need for an Arctic SDI Development of a Data Policy must be an integral part of this Standards should be based on existing standards in US, Canada and Europe. Distributed Data structure is recommended Maintenance of the datasets should be given high priority in close cooperation with national mapping authorities National mapping authorities should contribute to ASDI
Further process Conducting a survey of existing data available within the AC WGs Proposing, for review by AC WGs and countries, data standards for adoption by all WGs Considering options for open data access/sharing and secure data storage, including storage of legacy datasets belonging to the AC WGs. Developing detailed proposals for implementing a project to update the Circumpolar Map of Risk based upon information from AMSA, OGA, CBMP - Develop a proposal for an Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (including standards and data policy) for adoption by the AC and its WGs