By Celine Peyron Bista CTA of ASEAN UI Project Unemployment insurance and employment services in ASEAN Second Project Coordination Committee meeting 7 May 2011 By Celine Peyron Bista CTA of ASEAN UI Project ©ILO/Crozet M.
First Year’s Achievements Component 1: Research Component 2: Viet Nam Component 3: ASEAN expertise
Research to support implementation of income security measures in ASEAN - Comparative analysis among 14 UI/EI country experiences - Comparative review of ALMPs (Part I) 2011-2012 - Labour market analysis and unemployment trends (Viet Nam & Malaysia) LEARNING UNDERSTANDING BUILDING CONSENSUS DESIGNING IDENTIFYING GAPS
Achievements in Viet Nam 2011-2012 Achievements in Viet Nam National Dialogue Provincial consultations (Aug. 2011) 18 August 2011 19 October 2011 12 recommendations endorsed by the Government and social partners Extension of coverage Simplification of procedures Financial sustainability Improved linkages with ALMPs (vocational training) UI staff and management training needs assessment Identification of training needs and design of the training plan to be implemented in 2012-2013. 3. Support to the revision of the UI legal framework to apply recommendations
Capacity building and knowledge sharing 2011-2012 Capacity building and knowledge sharing Study visit to Japan, 7-9 Nov. 2011- Lessons learnt: It took over 30 years to build the EI system Based on strong link UI & ALMPs (Hello Service and Two Services) Doted of a solid control and investigation unit Legal framework allows for certain flexibility to adjust the parameters to socio-economic indicators Experts’ Meeting (UI, income security), Jakarta, 14 Dec. 2011- Key messages: UI might not be the priority in all countries. Need for adapted measures for infor. eco. workers Those measures should be institutionalized Need to address youth unemployment through adapted ALMPs Successful implementation of SP laws and strategies based on piloting and then replication at national level Japan Study Visit, Nov. 2011 Jakarta Expert Meeting, 14 Dec. 2011
Capacity building and knowledge sharing (cont.) 2011-2012 Capacity building and knowledge sharing (cont.) Tripartite ASEAN Seminar on UI, income security and ALMPs, Ho chi Minh City, 20-22 March 2012 Adopted 13 Recommendations (Towards an ASEAN Declaration?): Develop adapted and specific income security measures and ALMPs for employed and vulnerable workers, Involve Workers and Employers’ organizations, Improve coordination of services and benefits delivered to unemployed and vulnerable workers, ILO and relevant IO to pursue assistance in the region on SP. Follow-up actions: Knowledge and experience sharing Explore innovative and adapted measures Mapping social protection situation at the country level
The ASEAN UI Project on the net
Proposed Work plan for 2012-2013 Component 1: Research Component 2: Viet Nam Component 3: ASEAN expertise Main outcome
Research to support implementation of income security measures in ASEAN - Recommendations for effective ALMPs in the ASEAN economies (Part II) - Relevance of UI in ASEAN - Cost/benefit analysis of severance pay vs. UI (Malaysia, Philippines) - Review of international practices covering inf. eco. workers 2012-2013 - Review of severance pay compliance (Malaysia, Philippines) LEARNING UNDERSTANDING BUILDING CONSENSUS DESIGNING IDENTIFYING GAPS
Upcoming activities in Viet Nam 2012-2013 Upcoming activities in Viet Nam Extension of coverage Forming Communication Officers Legal revision (Decree 127 and SI Law) Simplification of procedures UI Staff training Reinforcement of IT use Financial sustainability Development of performance and monitoring indicators Workshop on linkages with ALMPs: towards an EI system Actuarial Valuation Review of ALMPs inter. Practices Feasibility and Pilot testing Evaluation of pilots Recommendations Income security & ALMPs for unemployed and vulnerable workers ILO/Japan 2012-2013 Resource mobilization 2013-2014-2015
Capacity building and knowledge sharing 2012 Capacity building and knowledge sharing Study visit to Thailand, tentatively July 2012 -rationale : Thailand, longest experience in implementing UI in ASEAN Successful experience Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, Lao PDR., Singapore, Brunei Darussalam. Experts’ Meeting (Design of UI system), Kuala Lumpur, 4 September 2012 - rationale: Malaysia, Philippines: UI feasibility study– exchange of experiences Definition of UI system parameters can find inspiration in Thailand and Viet Nam’s schemes Learning from Thailand and Viet Nam from their experience related to consensus building
Capacity building and knowledge sharing 2013 Capacity building and knowledge sharing Experts’ Meeting (Integrated approach SP & ALMPs) - rationale: Need to increase outreach, coordination and monitoring of SP programmes and employment support measures Need to adopt integrated approach to facilitate graduation out of poverty What mechanisms for an effective implementation of the SP floor at the national level? Successful practices in India, Pakistan, Chile, pilot experiences in Cambodia and Indonesia Proposed venue: Cambodia? First quarter of 2013?
Main outcome of the project: self-running training course Pilot in 2013 Main outcome of the project: self-running training course RESEARCH: - Learning from international experiences - What can work in ASEAN? STANDARD EXECUTIVE COURSE ON UI, INCOME SECURITY AND ALMPs: Design, implementation and monitoring of effective policies KNOWLEDGE SHARING AND EXPERTS’ MEETING: - Learning from ASEAN experiences - Building responses Database of ASEAN experts
Thank you!