IS YOUR PATIENT ADMINISTERING THEIR OWN INSULIN (OR OTHER MEDICINE) ?? Did you know the NMC and RCN fully support patient self administration of medicines ? The NMC welcomes and supports the self-administration of medicinal products. Registrants may assess the patients as suitable to self-administer medicinal products both in the hospital and primary care settings. “Whilst the registrant has a duty of care towards all patients, the registrant is not liable if a patient makes a mistake self-administering as long as the assessment was completed as the local policy describes and appropriate actions were taken to prevent re-occurrence of the incident” SO – HAVE YOU: Done a risk assessment ? Discussed responsibilities with your patient ? AND Fully documented the discussion? To find out more about your accountability and responsibilities look at: The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for Medicines Management 2007 (updated 2010)