Creating the conditions that allow everyone to flourish Talent Management Creating the conditions that allow everyone to flourish
Aim To ensure that all employees. Understand their purpose, where they fit in and how they contribute to the strategic objectives of ORG. Understand the ORG approach to talent management and how their behaviours are as important as the results that they deliver. Know how to prepare for their appraisal and talent management conversations. Know how to get ahead at ORG. Know how they too contribute to the environment that we aim to create for everyone.
Module overview Working for ORG. Our Vision, values and strategic objectives. Who we employ. Knowing your purpose. Our approach to talent management. Preparing for your appraisal. What we look for in our employees. How to get ahead in ORG.
Working for [ORGANISATION NAME] We care about ultimately improving the health and well-being of communities. We help by delivering our services the ORG way, driven by our values and working in partnership with our customers We blend the best of the NHS, including values and staff experience and expertise together with a customer focused, efficient operating model We don’t expect to deliver everything ourselves. Sometimes we want to work in partnership with another organisation who can bring something extra to the table.
Right at the heart of [ORGANISATION NAME] “Quote from your HRD or CEO”
What is our vision? Include different visions and ask the individual to pull out our vision Our vision
“Your vision (purpose) goes here.”
Our values Our values drive everything we do and the way we do it – this is the ORG way. Your values or the NHS principles here.
Our strategic objectives In the notes below
Who we employ Delivering [XXX] services across the public sector we employ dedicated high calibre multi-disciplinary teams with extensive knowledge and practice based experience supported by a broad spectrum of external talent in roles such as:
Our people Our people may deliver diverse roles, requiring a vast range of qualifications and experience from across numerous sectors. Three things that we expect our people to have in common: Shared purpose Commitment to the ORG values Talented people with great attitudes and behaviours
Know your purpose The same as the janitor that helps to put man on the moon (NASA), it is vitally important that everyone understands the importance, relevance and significance of the part that they play and how they contribute to the success of ORG. Everyone working at ORG is contributing in an important way to; “your vision here”
How does your role contribute? It is important to find out if you do not already know, how your role directly or indirectly contributes to our success. You need to connect the dots, how does your role connect to others and how do they come together to achieve our vision. Know your purpose!
What is talent management?
What is talent? Aptitude Flair Gift Faculty Ability Genius
What is talent management? A system, a process, an understanding and a belief that puts people and their current/future abilities at the centre of everything that we do. Creation of conditions that allow all to flourish Ability to spot and harness potential within individuals at all levels before or after entry Aligned systems and processes Recruitment, induction, training, performance management, reward and recognition, communications & engagement, discipline, ending employment Understanding and belief People at the heart of everything we do People don’t buy services and products, they buy our people You can easily teach a skill, you can’t easily teach behaviour and attitude Its not what you do or say, it is the way that you do or say it!
Talent management People M.A.D Leadership & management Vision & values Leadership & management Attitude & behaviour Spotting potential External market Development & promotion Succession planning Reward & recognition Engagement Career pathways Apprenticeships & graduates
Benefits of talent management Ability to attract, recruit and retain the best talent available Happy and fulfilled place to work Targeted opportunities internal promotion Reduced turnover and increased retention / stability Reduced sickness absence / attendance Increased confidence in your colleagues, managers and support
Overview appraisals
[ORGANISATION NAME] Appraisal policy Everyone must have an annual and mid-year appraisal Everyone must have regular one to ones Everyone must have SMART objectives that link to the strategic objectives of ORG Everyone must have a development plan in place
Purpose of the appraisal approach You understand and mutually agree what is expected of you and what you are expected to achieve A structured way to cascade and achieve the organisations objectives To review performance and progress against your objectives Alignment of your work objectives with the organisation’s priorities To identify training and development needs linked to your work objectives and career aspirations
Key principles The process and quality is mutually owned There is equal focus on behaviours as well as results Behaviours and results are rated separately creating an overall performance banding Potential to progress is also measured for succession planning Forms signed by appraisee and reviewer and submitted to the reviewers manager
Agreeing work objectives Your work objectives should be aligned to directorate/organisational objectives Maintenance / keeping pace (on going) Stretching Work objectives can be agreed for teams or individuals whichever is most appropriate All objectives should follow SMART objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timebound
Principles and behaviours We apply certain principles to the appraisal framework ORG Values No surprises Positive experience Interactive and two-way Supportive and constructive approach Clarity of objectives Aligned objectives Development is ongoing Identify opportunities to fulfil potential Align to
Personal development on and off the job On the job examples Delivery of role Work shadowing Coaching Opportunity to undertake additional projects Demonstrations Off the job examples Qualifications External training Visits Networking
What to expect To receive a copy of our strategic objectives To discuss at your team meeting the strategic objectives and how your team contributes To receive an invite to your appraisal meeting You need to prepare for your talent management and appraisal meeting
[ORGANISATION NAME] approach to talent management Talent Conversation Tool Measurements Performance What has been achieved - Results How it has been achieved - Behaviours Potential framework Judgement Drive Influence Organisational talent profile Top box talent DNA Requires support
[ORGANISATION NAME] approach to talent management Based on key principles of great people management Consistent ratings (language remains the same) Does not meet expectations Partially meets expectations Meets expectations Exceeds expectations Overall performance ratings (language remains the same) Under performer Developing performer Sound performer Exceptional performer
Talent Conversation tool Purple Blue Orange Green New to Role How you achieve it Behaviour What you achieve Performance Outputs Exceeds behaviour exectations Meets behaviour expectations Partially demonstrates behaviours Gold Fundamental to keeping ORG going …our ‘DNA’ expectations Meets Partially meets Possible Step Change: Leadership Role Technical Expert
Performance ratings – ‘What’ The ‘what’ – are the tangible targets that have been achieved. Rate them dependent on the extent to which all the objectives / targets were achieved. A rating is given for the overall achievement of targets, not individual targets. The ‘what’ performance rating Description Examples to illustrate when performance rating may be applied Does not meet objectives Most objectives either not delivered, delivered below the required standard or have required significant intervention and input from others Working to own agenda, not listening or accepting support when needed Partially meets objectives Performance is low, and does not consistently meet our high standards, with important objectives or targets not achieved. Performance is inconsistent Over promising with under delivery Not being open or asking for help when experiencing difficulties resulting in important objectives not being met Meets objectives Delivers a rounded performance against most objectives and all critical performance areas Performance is consistently positive Achieves objectives and produces measurable and valued outputs Works efficiently and effectively to deliver results Exceeds objectives Consistently delivers a strong performance against all objectives, and delivers results beyond expectations Regularly contributes over and above the performance requirements of the current role Plans effectively and always looks for opportunities to deliver over and above what is required Outputs are comparable to others in more senior roles Puts the delivery of objectives for the business ahead of own personal objectives
Partially meets vs. meets expectations Performance is low, and does not consistently meet our high standards, with important objectives or targets not achieved. Performance is inconsistent. Delivers a rounded performance against most objectives and all critical performance areas. Performance is consistently positive.
SMART objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound Stretching
Performance ratings – ‘How’ We rate the ‘how’ against the extent to which your team member demonstrates all the key behaviours in achieving their targets, again using a simple scale as illustrated below. The ‘how’ performance rating Description Examples to illustrate when performance rating may be applied Does not demonstrate behaviours Negative examples of behaviour demonstrated with little or no desire to improve Working to own agenda, not listening or accepting support when needed Paying ‘lip service’ to the ORG Values Partially demonstrates behaviours Targets may have been achieved but not by displaying the consistent behaviours Behaviour is inconsistent Not being open or asking for help when experiencing difficulties Not listening to others Demonstrates behaviours Recognises that the behaviours demonstrated in achieving an objective or target also matter, not just the result Behaviour is consistently positive Works well with others and demonstrates positive behaviour even when under pressure Has a ‘can do’ attitude to problem solving and overcomes issues to achieve results Role model in demonstrating behaviours Looks for opportunities to add value Role model for peer group Actions and behaviour always reflect the ORG Values
[ORGANISATION NAME] approach to talent management - how Bringing our values to life: Behaviours – Our vision and values are central to our expectations of behaviours Xx Leadership Behaviours Reflects the understanding that leadership occurs at every level within the organisation, and that; Employees can expect those in leadership and management positions will demonstrate additional leadership behaviours. Initial work has categorised these into three key categories: xx
The performance cycle Plan Monitor Prepare Evaluate Review
Talent management fundamentals Feedback – The ‘Losada’ Ratio Talent management fundamentals
Feedback Value of it Giving it Receiving it Ratio of feedback - ‘Losada’ Ratio Types of feedback Formative (STAR) Motivational (FAST!) Challenging conversations
Motivational feedback Frequency Accurate Specific Timely Easy model Example Effect Change / Continue Stills needs to be timely and accurate
Five Points of Formative Feedback 1. State what you’ve observed. 5. Agree on a solution together. 2. Wait for a response. Five Points of Formative Feedback 4. Ask for a specific solution. 3. Remind them of the expectations.
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Listen to understand “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
Potential ratings Potential is important from an individual perspective as it enables us all to understand the qualities needed to succeed and grow. We assess these qualities by looking for evidence of Judgement, Drive and Influence. Discuss with your team member whether they have a desire to progress in the organisation, and / or whether you think they have the potential to move into a bigger role in the future. Using the indicators in the potential framework, you will determine one of the following potential ratings: ‘Develop in role / similar role’, ‘Potential to progress’ or ‘Ready Now’. Judgement, drive, influence Description Potential rating Overall judgement, drive and influence demonstrated at the degree typically expected for their grade and/or role, a number of development areas as well as some positive qualities Knows current role well and will look to enhance their current skills Likely to develop in current role or a similar role for the foreseeable future Is happy where they are without the desire or the potential to progress to the next grade Develop in role / similar role Demonstrates positive examples against most of the judgement, drive and influence qualities with only a few development areas which are actively being built on through a personal development plan Has the ability to progress Potential to move into the next grade or similar role with larger remit with focussed support within the next two to five years Has the motivation to progress their career Potential to progress Role models the qualities of judgement, drive and influence and is demonstrating these with a degree of skill much higher than expected from their current grade and / or role Consistently demonstrates the capability to operate at a grade higher within the next year or so Has the desire to progress and would seriously consider opportunities as presented Ready now
Your career aspirations Referring to the potential framework: Judgement Drive Influence Consider your aspirations Would you like to progress within ORG?
Preparing for your appraisal and talent management conversation
Step 3: Prepare Pulling it all together How would you rate yourself Performance results What (Performance objectives) How (Behavioural objectives) Potential Develop in role Potential to progress Ready now
Personal development planning Based on: Your performance against your objectives Your behaviours Your career aspirations Your new objectives What are your development needs: What activities are required
Our process
Record keeping Phase 1 Phase 2 May / June 2016 Revised appraisal documentation Appraisal and PDP results populated and returned to HR by service Phase 2 ESR Talent Management module ESR Manager and Employee Self Service Services add their own service results as practice run
The joint role of human resources managers and employees
Added value Supporting your service lines to proactively succession plan and identify opportunities to enhance the current employment offering Developing our future leaders and protecting ORG future Proactively managing / supporting / challenging underperformance existing within ORG Reinforcing ORG values at every employment interaction
Consistency checking Your assurance Based on peer review Challenge and support Shared understanding and purpose Quality of objectives Consistent application and ratings What you can do if you are not happy with your objectives, performance ratings or development plan?
Key dates Appraisals Add dates
Further development required Recruitment and selection Reward and recognition links ORG internet – Careers at ORG page HR & People Management training Links to values and behaviours Internal development Measurement of success Employee engagement surveys (baseline) Bottom box / top box improvements (baseline June 2015) People KPI’s linked to employee engagement Customer satisfaction (baseline exists) ESR system readiness
ESR talent management ESR can hold and therefore report on the following information: Qualifications Transfer from NHS Jobs? Professional memberships Training attendance Links to competencies Skills and competencies Including level of competence Objectives set – cascade from strategic objectives Progress against objectives Performance ratings Personal development plans Linking to OLM and matching programmes Pay award recommendation according to performance rating Career paths – not so straight forward
Career paths – not so straight forward Apprentice Assistant Team Leader Graduate Adviser Manager Senior Manager Head of Service