6.10 MODULE SETUP – TAPE STATIONS Tape Station Module in Use: User can activate the require tape module by check on the checkbox Configurations (Pitch Type): User can select pocket pitch type according to needs Placement Type: Down Index Up (mainly use for flat unit) Down Up Index (mainly use for dome unit/ non-flat unit) Abort Settings: AB1 & AB2 settings with Independent Leader, Trailer, PreLeader Qty) Cutter Activate Option: Option for cutter activation use in reel & QA sample reel. Activate PLC Tape Settings: Option to activate this settings to PLC. Change button: Use to apply the settings in this area User can select different settings for all of the criteria for abort reel. There is 3 predefined settings is here: XX00 = default XX01 = Follow to AB1 settings XX02 = Follow to AB2 settings
6.10.2 MODULE SETUP – PRECISORS User can set up to 6 precisor modules to be use in a machine. Note that only activated precisor module in Module Setup is allowed for Manual Mode Control in Manual Mode form.
6.10.3 MODULE SETUP – TURNERS / ORIENTATORS User can set up to 4 Turner module to be use in a machine. Note that only activated Turners in Modules Setup is allowed for Manual Mode control in Manual Mode Form
6.10.4 MODULE SETUP – TEST STATIONS PART 1 Test Stations Modules In Use (Activate Test Station module, Open/Short Station module, and Calibration module. Note that only activated tester and Open/Short Station Module Setup are allowed for Manual Mode control. Calibration module is reserved for future use.) Input Active High (Default: High, Use Active High Input signal from Tester; i.e. Test result bits. Else, use Active Low. This feature is referring to the Handler input signal for example, the result bit from tester. If input active high is activated, the positive (+5, +24V) input is received as active high or turned ON and normal state will be ground (0V). If input active high is not activate, the positive (+5, +24V) input received as active low or ground (0V). Output Active High (Default: High, Use Active High Output signal to Tester; i.e. SOT. This feature is referring to signal send from Handler to Tester. If output active high is activated, the active high output signal from Handler will transit as positive output (+5V, +24V) level to the Tester. If output active high is not activated, the active high output will transit as active low or ground (0V) EOT Active High (Default: High, Use Active High Input EOT from Tester. This feature is referring to the EOT (End of Test) & EOM (End of Measurement) signal that send from Tester to Handler. If the EOT active high is activated, the active high input is received as positive input (+5V, +24V) or turned ON and normal state will be ground (0V). If the EOT active high is not activated, the EOT signal is inverted.)
6.10.4 MODULE SETUP – TEST STATIONS PART 2 Parallel Result (Default: Disable, Use each IO lines/bits represents one Test bin result; i.e. Bit1=Bin1, Bit2=Bin2, etc. Else, will be BCD format; i.e. (Bit4, Bit3, Bit2, Bit1)0001=Bin1, 0010=Bin2, 0011=Bin3, 0100=Bin4, and etc. This feature is to determine method on how the result signal should be interpreted. If the parallel result is activated, Handler will take one signal as one bin result. If the parallel result is not activated, Handler will read the signal as binary combination bit) Parity Check Result (Option for Handler to check parity bit from the IO bits/lines. If the parity check result is activated, Handler will verify the result signal by comparing the parity check (odd or even). If fail on parity checking, the machine will drop the unit into the clear bin) Result Matching (Option for Handler to compare previous test result with the current test module result. If result matching is activated, Handler will indicate the current test module as a good unit when. the current test result is match with the previous test result) Dual Polarity Test Program (Handler will send signal to Tester to perform Dual Polarity Test (if applicable). The handler wouldn’t allow to testing the dual polarity unit if the dual polarity test program is not activated. The Handler will not allow machine to start if dual polarity test program is used but the option is not activated) Enable Retest (Retrigger test if device result is fail or Tester trigger a Retest signal to Handler)
6.10.5 MODULE SETUP – VISION User can set up to 3 vision station (Station No.1, 2, 3 and 1 Polarity Vision (Polarity) User can self key in the name of the Vision Station for naming clarification. Noted that only activated Vision Station module in Module Setup is allowed for Manual Mode Control in Manual Mode form.
6.10.6 MODULE SETUP – OTHERS Transfer Station (Applicable when Turn Table Drive is use (Transfer In/ Out) Linear Motor (Applicable for Linear Drive actuator) Laser Marking (Applicable when laser marking device is use) Bin Sorter A (Applicable for Sorting Station A (A1, A1 + A2). It depends to type of machine) Bin Sorter B (Applicable for Sorting Station B (B1, B1 + B2). It depends to type of machine) Clear Bin MT1 (Applicable for clear bin in Turn Table Drive)
6.10.7 MODULE SETUP – MACHINE TYPE User need to select machine type before start to configure machine. T20 (Sorter Bin1-Bin128 / Bin A1-A128) TwinTX (Sorter BinA1-A64, B1-B64) T20 Duplicate Drawer A to B (Sorter BinA1-A64, B1-B64)
6.10.8 MODULE SETUP – SOFTWARE PART 1 Starnet Module (To activate Starnet data logging & data management feature, application for OSRAM only). Debug Starnet (Use for debugging mode for Starnet where detail process report require to generate) Dual Lot (Application for TwinTX machine type only in order to manage Lot for Side A & B independently) Osram Master (To activate Osram Master capability in data management system) PreRunEnd Handler Clear (Osram Master will send out PreRunEnd command to end of the PreRun process & all unit will purge to clear bin) PreRunEnd with SN StartLot process (Start Lot command with Starnet features will be triggered once Osram Master finish sending out a PreRunEnd command to end the PreRun process & all units will be purge to Clear Bin) Activate Flexibin (Tape) (To use when handler require Flexibin tape feature which handler need to send tape no number to tester for FT process & Taping) Activate RS232 Test Result (Test Link 1 or 3 Only) (Synchronize tester result through RS232 format, applicable to PC-Tester 1 or PC-Tester3 only at System Setup Form)
6.10.8 MODULE SETUP – SOFTWARE PART 2 – Starnet Module Setup Starnet Module Setup (application for OSRAM only). Datalog path: upload process, must link to \\\Datalog Protocol path: upload process, must link to \\\Protocol Product Dir Path: download process, must link to \\\Prolab Test program path: download process, must link to \\\TestProgram Purpose of Starnet: Handler to receive latest chiptype DB, latest test program files from Starnet server. Handler require to upload handler protocol & datalog to Starnet Server after end lot for Osram review.
6.10.8 MODULE SETUP – SOFTWARE PART 2 Activate Flexibin (Sorter: Use DB108, 118 & 128) (Applicable for sorter machine only when require to use Flexibin sort function) Print Location Bin (Use to print location bin at bin label when using Flexibin Sort feature) Activate TCP/IP Test Result with I/O EOT (Use for TCP/IP Test result with I/O EOT notifications by PLC) Activate Carrier Tape Scan Feature (Use to activate carrier tape scan feature notifications to PLC) Information: If “Activate Flexibin (Tape)”, Temiss Status bar will appear “+FlexiTape” wording as shown. If “Activate Flexibin (Sorter)”, Temiss Status bar will appear “+FlexiSORT” wording as shown. If “Activate RS232 Test Result (test link 1 or 3 ONLY)”, Temiss Status bar will appear “+RS” wording as shown. If “Osram Master”, Temiss Status bar will appear “+OM” wording as shown.
6.10.9 MODULE SETUP – PLC Error Reset (Allow to reset machine error by pressing mechanical STOP button for more than 3 seconds. User must input correct PLC Address for STOP Switch I/O in here and activate it) Continue Lot Command (Applicable for machine that run 1 type of UUT mode (unit under test)) PLC String 1,2 Verification (Use to ensure machine is running with the correct PLC program to prevent unauthorized changing of PLC Bin file, Temiss will prevent user from running motor reference, start new lot continue lot when incorrect PLC string detected) MC Result (Use to set tester result precision digits, default is 99) Register DB (User need to register PLC DB in this section in order to communicate well with PLC for certain DB’s. User need to fill in the number (example: 12, 168, 59 and etc) that require and click “Add” button to add in / “Remove” button to remove particular DB number)
6.10.10 MODULE SETUP – TIMERS Use to fill in the time variable to se tape pockets in milliseconds. This option is OBSELETE for new machine. Remark: PLC Address for this Sealing Time: “DB10.DBW38.0”,
6.10.11 MODULE SETUP – USER PLC TIMERS User can manually change Timer Label0 – Timer Label 19 for label naming and it’s time require in here. User must check the “Change timer labels” before click “Change” to change for timer labels. User can activate this function by checked the “Activate User PLC Timers” and click “Change” for all of the changed items to apply.