Institutional Animal Care and Use Council (IACUC) General Training Ruth Rollin, PhD, Chair (832-2659) Dan Schwartz, DVM, Attending Vet. September 15, 2017 edition IACUC Central:
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Animal Welfare Act Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service - Animal Care Enacted in 1966, covers warm-blooded vertebrates except lab mice (Mus), lab rats (Rattus), birds bred-for-research, and farm animals and horse not used in biomedical research. Registers animal dealers, exhibitors, carriers, and research facilities and requires annual reporting (CCSU is not registered) Has specific standards for transportation and care of dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, and non-human primates and general standards for other mammals Mandates adequate veterinary care - Attending Veterinarian Is enforced by unannounced site visits by APHIS AC vets 1985: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), pain/distress, survival surgery, dog exercise, NHP enrichment, Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC)
AWA IACUC Includes at least 1 veterinarian and at least 1 member not otherwise affiliated with the institution appointed by CEO Reviews and approves protocols for: Justification of species and numbers of animals Procedures to minimize pain and distress Method of euthanasia (or other disposition) Inspects housing and study areas and submits evaluations to Institutional Official (IO) at least once every 6 months Ensures training of animal care staff and researchers Addresses concerns regarding animal care and use reportable concerns:
Public Health Service Policy Health Research Extension Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-158) U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training (life sciences and medical research) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 1st edition 1963 by NIH; 8th edition 2011 by ILAR Animal Welfare Assurance; IACUC, Annual Report CCSU #A4033-01 has links to many organizations Wildlife in Research American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists Guidelines to the Use of Amphibians & Reptiles in Research American Fisheries Society, American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists & American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 2004 American Society of Mammalogists Animal Care and Use Guidelines 2011 Ornithological Council Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research 2010 Federal and state scientific collectors permits and import permits: Federal: CT State:
AAALAC Association for Assessment and Accreditation for Laboratory Animal Care International (founded in 1965 as American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) UCHC 1977
Pre-college Education Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Precollege Education — Institute of Laboratory Animal Research, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences The Use of Animals in Biology Education — National Association of Biology Teachers Responsible Use of Live Animals and Dissection in the Science Classroom — National Science Teachers Association The Science Service and ISEF Position Statement on the Use of Animals in Pre-College Science Research
Animal Care (Husbandry) Environmental factors Chemical factors Microbial factors Notify Veterinarian of unanticipated problems
Pain and Distress Behavioral signs Physiology & biochemistry Pain and Distress Behavioral signs Physiology & biochemistry Notify veterinarian of unanticipated problems
Alternatives to Painful Procedures USDA Animal Care Policies (Google: “Animal Care Policy Manual”) #11 Painful and Distressful Procedures (examples) #12 Consideration of Alternatives to Painful/Distressful Procedures A search for alternatives is required to address reduction, refinement, and replacement (the 3 R’s) of animal use. Resources include databases such as MEDLINE, AGRICOLA, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. WMS Russell and RL Burch's described the 3 R’s (The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique, 1959)
Replacement Substituting conscious living “higher” animals with less sentient materials ”Lower" living systems: rodents, fish, invertebrates Non-feeling systems: tissue cultures, Ames test Computer simulation: chemical reactions, dissections The Visible Mouse: Mouse Necropsy Etc. On-Line: Fish, farm, wild, cephalopods others:
Reduction Using fewer animals to obtain the same amount or more scientific information Improved statistical design Animal sharing Improved quality of animals Genetic modified (GM) carcinogenicity models: Tg.AC and rasH2 transgenic and p53+/- and XPA-/- knockout mice
Refinement Altering experimental procedures to minimize discomfort Improved control of pain Improved technical skills Application of endpoints Improved instrumentation Less stress: telemetry Less invasive procedures Endoscopy/laparoscopy Confocal microscopy Magnetic resonance imaging Biophotonics MicroCAT system
Drug Violations USDA Animal Care Policy #3 --- Veterinary Care Prohibits use of expired medical materials Prohibits use of non-pharmaceutical-grade chemical compounds Requires good record keeping Controlled substances Each secure storage site requires CT registration ACLAM Formulary (3rd Ed 2005)
Surgery & Aseptic Techniques Surgery & Aseptic Techniques Instruments Facilities Animal preparation Surgeon preparation
Occupational Health Zoonoses Protocol Trauma Allergies related >10% (1997) (December 2009) : lab rodents, lab fish, lab birds – tenatus (booster every 10 yr)
Euthanasia/Training AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia (2013) Internet training resources NIH OACU Guidelines: NIH Training Resources: Aquatics Training Resources Rodent Breeding Rodent Restraint Procedures Rodent Blood Collection Procedures Rodent Compound Administration Procedures Rodent Genotyping & Identification Procedures Rodent Survival Surgery Rodent Euthanasia Procedures Journal of Visualized Experiments JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments
Ethical Considerations Foundation for Biomed Research Scientific American (Feb 1997 issue debate) February 4, 1966 Life Magazine, page 22
References on Animal Use Ethics General Public: How does the NIH ensure animal welfare? Why are animals used in NIH research? For Researchers & Institutions: Good animal care and good science go hand-in-hand
Experimental Design and Statistics Volume 55 Issue 3; 2014: Refinement of Experimental Design and Conduct in Laboratory Animal Research Animal Husbandry and Experimental Design Evidence Should Trump Intuition by Preferring Inbred Strains to Outbred Stocks in Preclinical Research Critical Appraisal of Studies Using Laboratory Animal Models The Significance of Meaning: Why Do Over 90% of Behavioral Neuroscience Results Fail to Translate to Humans, and What Can We Do to Fix It? The Place of Experimental Design and Statistics in the 3Rs Guidance for the Description of Animal Research in Scientific Publications
ARRIVE Guidelines ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines are intended to improve the reporting of research using animals – maximizing information published and minimizing unnecessary studies The NC3Rs is the UK's national organization which leads the discovery and application of new technologies and approaches to replace, reduce and refine the use of animals for scientific purposes (the 3Rs). A 20-item checklist was published in 2010 in PLOS Biology, can be downloaded from the ARRIVE website. These guidelines are useful to researchers and students in writing grants and publications and in making posters and other presentations. The ARRIVE website also provides a webinar, a slide presentation, speaker notes, and examples of completed checklists.