Lesson Plan Career and Technical Education Follow-up Survey 2008-2009
Students: We need your help with an important activity! What? Student Follow-up Survey
What Questions will be Asked on the Survey? Employment Status Skills Attainment Job Satisfaction Educational Status Quality of High School Education Job and Employer Information
Who Will Be Included in the Survey? All students who “complete” a Career and Technical Education Program. AND Who graduated in the previous year. Note: Seniors who graduate this year will be followed up in 2010.
Why is the Follow-up Being Conducted? Just as businesses survey their customers to find out how they feel about the quality of their products and services, we need your input to find out how well we prepared you for the next step in life . . . College (Community College, 4-Year) Technical Training/Apprenticeship Program Employment Military The input you provide will help us to improve our programs for future students.
When will the Survey be Conducted? Timelines March-June 2010 School division conducts pre-survey activities (automated phone call, e-mail, postcards to former students who graduated in June of the previous year). Personal phone call to former students who have not responded to the survey online. Fall 2010 Follow-up employers with permission from former students.
How will the Survey be Conducted? “On-Line” Survey (Hint: no phone call will be made to students who reply online) Phone Survey
How will the Information Collected on the Survey be Used? Only responses to questions will be analyzed (frequency of responses/percentages)--names and addresses of students will not be reported. Responses will be tallied and reported by: School Division School Program Area Demographic Information
Terminology Career and Technical Education Programs Agriculture Business Education Health Occupations Marketing Education Technology Education Trade and Industrial Education Family and Consumer Science
Terminology: Programs continued Project Lead the Way (Engineering) Criminal Justice T.V. Production Cosmetology Auto mechanics Welding CISCO (IT Networking)
Terminology Program Completer All students should know what courses need to be successfully completed for their program. If you don’t, ask your instructor or guidance counselor. (Generally a completer has taken at least 2 related courses within a Career and Technical Education program)
Activities Have students work in groups Interview fellow students Complete a survey form Discuss ways to increase responses to survey. Review personal information in school database for accuracy. Pay particular attention to phone number and e-mail address.