Hinduism Sanatana Dharma (Universal/Eternal Righteousness) Video Link
Founder/Origin No known founder Started over 5000 years ago! A combination of Aryan and indigenous beliefs Includes a wide variety of beliefs and practices
Basic Beliefs: Dharma Dharma: living a righteous and balanced life in all parts of life including family, social, job, and religious
Basic Beliefs: Karma Karma: Cause and effect “What goes around comes around” One experiences the affects of his/her actions thoughts, and words
Basic Beliefs: Samsara Samsara: Cycle of life, death and rebirth True essence of life – Atman, the soul, is Brahman trapped in matter (“That art thou”) Belief in reincarnation Our soul is like a flowing river
Basic Beliefs: Moksha Moksha: A state of changeless bliss Ultimate goal of life: to release Atman and reunite with the divine, becoming as one with Brahman Ends cycle of samsara
Caste System Hindus divide themselves into 4 main castes (social classes) The Untouchables are below and the outcasts of society
The Hindu Trinity Brahma the Creator Vishnu the Preserver Shiva the Destroyer/Transformer Brahma Vishnu Shiva
The Hindu God/s Hindus worship many different gods and goddesses Yet, all of these gods are considered part of one truth called Brahman/Ultimate Reality
Other Important Information Frequently offer puja Worship in Temples Vedas: 4 Holy Books Dead are cremated Ashes often put in sacred Ganges R. Cows are sacred = No beef Many are vegetarians