Sustainability Sustainability
There are two ways to get enough: One is to continue to accumulate more and more The other is to desire less G. K. Chesterton
What does it mean to be “sustainable” Do not use non-renewable resources any faster than we can find substitutes. Ex? Do not use renewable resources any faster than nature can regenerate them. Ex? Do not generate any pollution faster than earth’s planetary sinks can absorb, dissipate or disperse it. Ex?
How many pounds of plastic packaging per person ends up in the landfills in the US every year? 63 pounds/person ( pop USA is 310 x 106)
What percentage of total plastics is recovered for recycling? 6.8 % Making products with recycled materials takes 50% less energy than starting from scratch
What is the estimated time for a plastic bottle to degrade completely in a marine environment? 450 years
What percent of individuals 6 years and older had urine that contained detectable Bisphenol A (BPA)? 93% There is some concern that BPA could lead to developmental changes in infants and children
Cree prophecy Only after the last tree has been cut down Only after the last fish has been caught Only after the last river has been poisoned Only then, will you find that money cannot be eaten.
http://www. naturalhomemagazine