Calling all believers in South Africa to join us in
What is the purpose of 40 Days of Worship? Worship is not restricted to singing praise songs - it could be feeding the poor or cleaning your local river! 40 Days of Worship seeks to encourage all Christians to rise up and worship in creative and dynamic ways - in groups or as individuals from 24 September to 3 November 2017. Therefore 40 Days of Worship is not an event or a program - instead it is a free platform that equips Christians to cultivate a lifestyle and expression of lifting up the name of Jesus in acts of worship. During the 40 Days there will be organised activities taking place in Cape Town - but feel free to create your own spontaneous creative worship activities and share it with others on our online platform. It will be free to participate in all worship activities.
24 September 2017 - 3 November 2017 Where? Organise your own right where you are! Cultivate a lifestyle of intentional worship, at your home or work and everywhere in between. Alternatively you can participate in the various activities that will also be organised in and around Cape Town - see our online calendar for the location of the worship activity nearest you.
Wh0? Everyone that believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the King of kings, the only one worthy to be worshipped. Why? In this time the Lord is calling on his Bride to rise up in true worship. The 40 Days will prepare, equip and activate the body of Christ to pursue a lifestyle of worship. The vision is to see every believer worship Jesus Christ in Spirit and in Truth. People will prioritise and dedicate their time and hearts to worship the Lord and in doing so, not only will they be transformed into His image, but they testify to the world that Jesus Christ is the only One worthy of worship.
How will it be done? During the 40 Days various teams will be organised to lead worship activities. They will also be available to freely assist your local church ministry teams should you request this help. Local churches are encouraged to get behind this vision and organise and share their own creative worship activities. Our website will contain calendar events, teaching material, testimonies and opportunities for you to sign-up and volunteer to help with the planned events. However, we do not rely on digital platforms - we rely on the Holy Spirit within every believer to call the body of Christ to worship King Jesus. Therefore, this is a time and opportunity for every follower of Jesus to devote themselves to prayer and worship in response to His Glory and Goodness.
“40 days of Global Worship” Find out more at “40 days of Global Worship”