The New Construction and Demolition Debris Waste Ban Amendments EBC Seminar October 28, 2005 Recovering Renewable Energy from Construction and Demolition Debris Wood MassDEP
Goal of Waste Bans Promote recycling and reuse of materials Reduce the amount disposed in landfills and MWCs Focus on materials that have markets today or for which markets are being developed Focus on materials readily identified in the waste stream and which are easily diverted from disposal MassDEP
C&D Management from 2001-2003 MassDEP C&D Management in 2001, 2002 and 2003 2001 2002 2003 Ge nerated 4,550,000 4,750,000 4,720,000 Disposed 890,000 620,000 720,000 · In - State 520,000 370,000 Out of 270,000 100,000 350,000 Diverted 3,660,000 4,130,000 3,990,000 Recycled 3,200,000 3,540,000 3,360,000 o Asphalt, Brick, and Concrete ( ABC) 2,830,000 3,280,000 o Metal 80,000 50,000 C&D wood 40,000 20,000 Wood Waste 180,000 110,000 Other* 60,000 · C&D Other Diversion 520,000 590,000 630,000 C&D Fines 380,000 400,000 430,000 C&D Wood for Fue l 140,000 130,000 90,000 C&D Residuals MassDEP
What will be banned from disposal? Asphalt Pavement Brick Concrete Metal Wood MassDEP
Exemptions Loads under 5 cubic yards do not need comprehensive load inspections or record-keeping 20% de minimis standard of ABC, metal and wood combined per load MWCs may accept wood for combustion Transfer stations can send loads to facilities that will divert restricted material from disposal. MassDEP
When will asphalt pavement, brick, concrete, metal and wood ban go into effect? July 1, 2006 Note: Waste Ban Compliance Plans need to be submitted to appropriate MassDEP regional office by April 1, 2006. MassDEP
Massachusetts Capacity to Process C&D Waste 10 C&D waste processing facilities in Massachusetts 1 C&D processing facility in NH which takes 65% of its material from MA sources Total management capacity of over 7,000 tpd Total yearly capacity of approximately 2,100,000 tpy 4 new facilities coming on line that will add 1,110,000 tons per year of capacity 1 permitted and under construction 3 in the permit process MassDEP
How will the Waste Ban on Asphalt Pavement, Brick, Concrete, Metal and Wood Work? Landfills will not be allowed to accept any of these banned materials for disposal. MWCs will be exempt from the ban on wood Facilities can meet the ban by not accepting the materials or by diverting the materials to C&D processing facilities. MassDEP
Biomass Facilities Currently, no biomass facilities using C&D wood are operating or proposed in Massachusetts. Any proposed facilities will be subject to EOEA’s MEPA process and MassDEP’s regulatory process including stringent air quality regulations. MassDEP
Summary Massachusetts has sufficient capacity online and coming online to process all the C&D waste generated and to divert banned materials from disposal. MassDEP does not expect significant export of C&D waste for disposal in landfills. Transfer stations must comply with the waste bans and will need to demonstrate that if they accept C&D waste then those loads will be diverted to a C&D processor or directly to recycling markets. MassDEP
Summary Wood used as a boiler fuel is being shipped to facilities in other states that are permitted to accept and use C&D wood as boiler fuel. Currently, most C&D wood used as boiler fuel goes to two facilities in Maine with such permits. This is not expected to increase dramatically due to the ban. MassDEP
Summary C&D wood is used as a component of C&D fines and residuals. C&D fines and residuals from processing facilities are used as alternative daily cover and grading and shaping material for closure of several old and uncapped landfills. This use is expected to continue. MassDEP