First Lego League Club By: Colby Tapling
Introduction! First Year @ Kellar Second year of teaching Attended Bradley, Originally from Chicago First year for a Lego League Team Family Friend Involved with Lego League
What is FLL?
What is FLL? A problem based approach Combination of STEM, team-building skills and presentation skills Solution based off of research and creation with Legos Incorporates Engineering through EV3 system and Lego Mindstorm
FLL at Kellar Spring- Team of 9 Fourth Graders, 3 Third Graders In-House Competition (Early May) Mr. Tapling and Bradley Engineering Student or Professor Looking for Parent Volunteers
Selection for FLL Fill out FLL Short Application Teachers & Mr. Tapling will evaluate: Behavior Performance Creativity/Interest in Program Teamwork Traits Availability Hoping to select by week of Feb. 8th
Meetings 45 minutes per week Once or twice a week Mornings preffereed Based off of team and availability
Questions? Email me: Good resource: If you know of a parent/student who couldn’t make this time, please let me know and I will contact them!
Sources for Powerpoint