Dejan Bokonjic Mirza Oruc Srdjan Masic OSCE Dejan Bokonjic Mirza Oruc Srdjan Masic
OSCE World standard for objectice checking of student knowledge and skills
Continual evaluation of student knowledge . Continual evaluation of student knowledge Teaching process Student exam
Miller’s pyramids of knowledge and examination system Do Standardize patient . Show Practical exam, OSCE/ OSPE/ OSE Knows how Application of knowledge (MCQ, aritcles...) Knows Seminars, oral exams
Methods for evaluation of knowledge Objective Standardize Consistent with program of teaching Examining theoretical knowledge Involve practical skills and attitudes Enhance capability for solving of problems Enhance capability for making plans for adequate treatment of patients
New teaching methodologies of checking knowledge and measuring of student competencies on different levels Theoretical knowledge Clinical skills and attitudes Communication skills Professional values and attitudes Behaviour, etical values
OSCE Testing of students using OSCE methods are usualy done on the beginning, during and in the end of the course It is possible to follow student advancement by following changes in amount of collected points
Design of process Defining of skills which are going to be evaluated (catalogue of skills) OSCE team Defining of medical cases and situations for obigatory evaluation (checklists) Choosing and training of standardize patient Logistics and means
OSCE concept Rotatation through several evaluation stations Limited time for each station Precisely defined task for each station Answering on questions or problems defined through simulated patients of paper tests Existence of precize checklists for examiners
OSCE material
How to write and OSCE case Write scenario for each station Develop suitable marking system Write an instruction sheet Students Examiners
After OSCE
Task 1: Indication for usage . Task 1: Indication for usage Points (max 2) Fast achieving of effective concentration, not possible usage of oral way of apsorbtion Task 2: Material necessary for administration of I.V. injection (not existence of allergy) Points (max 6) Syringe (nedle + medicine), bandage for arm, disinfectant, gauza for desinfection, Task 3: Practivcal implementation Points (max 9) 1. Explanation of the procedure to the patient 2. Desinfection of the place of iv insertion 3. Pulling out air for syringe 4. Putting bandage on the arm (above or bellow of the place for application) 5. Placement of needle at an angle of 45 6. Aspiration of blood 7. Placement of needle few mm forward 8. Application of medicine 9. Extracting of needle and placement of gauza on the place of insertion Task 4: position of patient Points (max 3) Semi-sitting, lying, head rotated to the opposite side Task 5: Weins which can be used Points (max 4) Cubital veins, forearm veins, wants veints, foot veins Task 6: Adverse reactions (except anaphylactic shock) 0,5 points for each reaction .
OSCE competences
Advantages and weak points Standardize conditions, same tasks for all students Precise checklists and meassuring system Possibility to perform exercises on virtual instead on real patients Students are passing through a higher number of cases Efficently using of clinician and their time Weak points human resorces, organization of stations time consuming holistic approach of students to patients
Conclusion Introducing new examination methods is giving possibility HEI to: Make usage of human and material resources more economical Standardize strategies for evaluation of knowledge and skills Validate quality of teachers and examiners
Conclusion Good examination methods, which are in accordance with proclaimed goals of study programs and final competences which should be reached by graduate students, are necessary for final reform of HEA and for creation of good educated doctors and nurses full of appropriate knowledge and skills