Behavior Adaptations Multicellular
Animal Behaviors Animal Behaviors = action brought by a response to a stimulus 3 types of animal behavior Innate behavior Learned behavior Social behavior
Innate Behavior Genetically determined behavior (born with ability) Reflex – simple, automatic response (no conscious control) Instinct – complex innate behavior (ex. Suckling, nest building, web spinning) Taxis – moving towards or away from an environmental stimulus (ex. Phototaxis, chemotaxis)
Innate Behavior Migration – seasonal movement of animals Estivation – state of reduced metabolism that occurs in animals living in conditions of intense heat Hibernation – deep sleep where body temperature, oxygen consumption, and breathing rate decreases
Learned Behavior Obtained through practice or experience Habituation – repeated stimulus not associated with punishment/reward (ex. Horse not moving when cars drive by) Imprinting – forming a social attachment to an object during its “critical time” (ex. Baby bird imprinting on humans) Classical Conditioning (stimulus association) – learning to associate one event with another event (ex. Pavlov’s dog experiment) Trial and error – keeps trying until correct response; there must be a reward (ex. Mouse in a maze)
Social Behavior Behavior within a community Communications using pheromones (ex. Bees and ants) Courtship Dances – movements to attract a mate (ex. Spiders, birds) Territorial defense - animal defends its physical space against other members of its species (prevents overcrowding)