September 1st Thank you for not chewing gum Today’s Agenda: Bell work LAB REPORT DUE TOMORROW Grand Canyon Movie? Materials: Pencil, ruler, science notebook, science folder.. Objective: Today we will finish our lab report Daily Question: What are 3 things you know about the Grand Canyon?
design, conduct and analyze a science experiment using the scientific method. score 4.0 In addition to score 3.0, you are able to go above and beyond by applying what you know about the scientific method. You can teach another student about the scientific method. SCORE 3.0 You are able to design, conduct and analyze a science experiment using the scientific method. score 2.0 With no help you have a partial understanding of how to use the scientific method. score 1.0 With help you may have a partial understanding of how to use the scientific method. score 0.0 Even with help you are not able to use the scientific method. **Reflect**
Lab Report Follow the “How to write a lab report for a 7th grader” worksheet to help you type up your lab report Purpose: Why did we do this? Hypothesis: Educated guess/prediction to answer the purpose question. In the form of IF…THEN…BECAUSE Background Research: Write a power paragraph describing 3 pieces of information about your topic. Topic sentence states your topic 3 facts or pieces of information about your topic 3 explanations about those pieces of information Conclusion restates what your paragraph was about Don’t forget transitions Variables: Independent: What are we testing or changing? ( If) Dependent: What did we measure? (then) Control: What did we keep the same? Materials: What will I need to complete the experiment? List them (bulleted) Procedure: Numbered, Step-by-step instructions on how to complete your experiment
Results Section: Data Table: This organizes your independent & dependent variables Rows and columns will be your x & y axis for your graph EX: Soil A Soil B Amount of organic Matter 3ml 5ml This is my x axis & independent variable This is my Y axis & dependent variable 8. Graph: Graph the relationship between the independent & dependent variables. The data from your data table will be graphed here. 9. Scientific Drawing: Draw your set up and label ALL materials used. Needs a title, and labels on straight lines to the right of the paper. (align your drawing to the left so you can do this)
Data analysis write a paragraph describing the relationship between the 2 variables Your topic sentence re-states the two variables and states the relationship between them. Your yellow sentences explain the results from each trial. Your pink sentences go into further detail describing what the data in the data tables means in words. You formally conclude the relationship between the two variables by stating which liquid fit on the penny the best Don’t forget transitions
Conclusion - Summary paragraph describing all of the steps of the experiment and what you have learned/concluded. Your topic sentence describes what the experiment was. The body of your paragraph states/answers the following information in complete sentences: Restate your hypothesis (yellow) Was your hypothesis correct? Why/why not? (pink) Summarize what the tests were & how you performed each test. 1 set of (Yellow & pink) What were the results for each test? (summarize data analysis). 1 set of (Yellow & pink ) What was your purpose/problem statement? (yellow) What have you learned about your purpose? (pink) What were possible sources of errors in this experiment? (yellow) In the future how could you learn from those errors? (pink) You formally conclude how many drops can fit on a penny based on your results. Your paragraph includes transition words.
Future Research describe a new related experiment that would be interesting to do next. Topic sentence states what your new experiment might be 1 fact or detail about what the new experiment is 1 explanation about that experiment Conclusion restates what your paragraph was about Don’t forget transitions