BEgrid Seminar 27 October 2006
Overview Seminar Governments International developments middleware, standardisation Belgian contribution in Grid R&D Industry Demo
BEgrid Grid infrastructure: 495 CPUs 351 valid certificates 107 VO members Middleware: LCG-2 gLite
BEgrid Participants - Resource Providers Hogeschool Antwerpen K.U.Leuven UA UGent ULB (several Department) VLIZ VUB (several departments)
BEgrid International connections: EGEE (VO supported at the CMS level) Nlgrid (mutual support of VOs) VO: virtual organisation grouping of users with same interest or same requirements, … way to manage resources
BEgrid services New services Central Quattor server New VOMS Web based grid access New course “hands on BEgrid” - gLite Middleware installation course
BEgrid Rosette Vandenbroucke Tel.: 02/7903395