Updating your Business Practices
Updating your Business Practices Robin Carr Director of Records and Transfer Credit Office of Registrar rcarr@uark.edu Cliff Murphy Senior Associate Director of Operations and Information Office of Admissions cliffm@uark.edu
Updating your Business Practices Agenda University of Arkansas overview The need for updating business practices The process of updating business practices The results of updating business practices Future Development
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 10 Schools & Colleges 210 Academic Program 7th fastest growing US public doctoral university
FRESHMAN enrollment by year From 2009-2016, we have had an 70% growth in the freshman class.
UNDERGRADUATE enrollment by year 42.4% growth in undergraduates Total enrollment 27,194 37% growth since 2009. Transcript growth with application growth Feeder school growth with nearly 20,000 feeders worldwide. No staff growth
Updating your Business Practices The Need for Updating Business Practices Growth Software update Old methods of processing Why is it done this way Does the policy still apply Is there duplication Can it be simplified
College transfer transcripts: Transcript Processing: The Old Way College transfer transcripts: Received at Admissions office for admittance review Hand-delivered to Registrar office Old Transcript Turn Around Time: 2-6 Weeks Final transcript evaluation delivered one month into first semester Manual calculations, data entry into system Manual data entry of academic credits
Updating your Business Practices The Process for Updating Business Practices Training on new Software New workflow shared by Admissions and Registrar OCR reader Shared image files Job responsibilities adjusted Changed point of collection for transcripts Eliminate manual calculation in admissions Only scan image once Policy Changes
College transfer transcripts: High school transcripts: Transcript Processing: Now College transfer transcripts: High school transcripts: Received at Registrar office From mailbox, batch-scanned into Intelligent Capture and to evaluation quickly Automatically updates Admissions file as received in PeopleSoft Equivalency work Admissions offices accesses equivalency work from Registrar to admit faster Received at Admissions office From mailbox, batch-scanned into Intelligent Capture and to evaluation quickly College work is sent to Registrar office immediately for equivalency Transfer rules are built upon receipt of transcript To date 300,00 courses built from 20,000 institutions. New Transcript Turnaround Time: Average 24 hours Final transcript evaluation delivered: before semester, by 5th day to register.
Updating your Business Practices The Results of Updating Business Practices Faster processing Higher Staff Satisfaction Higher Yield
The Benefits Eliminated manual data entry No duplicated efforts or transcripts Higher staff satisfaction Admitting faster, winning more students Quickly identify and fix workflow bottlenecks Fast insight into remediation requirement Easily managed increase in applications this year Even local community college has received fewer requests for duplicate transcripts No overtime necessary this year
Updating your Business Practices Future Development System Upgrade Fit Gap Degree Audit AP Changes HS Transcripts
Updating your Business Practices Questions? Robin Carr rcarr@uark.edu Cliff Murphy cliffm@uark.edu