Training of Trainers Adults training By Senior Sort Term International Expert: Kyriakos DIMITRIOU Place: UCCI Tashkent Training Centre Ташкент - June 30, 2014
Opening session Please ……. Experiential implementation of an ice-breaking technique …….. Trainer …
REVIEW OF ADULT LEARNING PRINCIPLES I learn as long as i live Socrates Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel Socrates
Expected results of training – Day 1 Understanding the need of this training action Gained knowledge about Adult learning principles, learning styles and learning cycle Experiential training in opening of a training activity Creating positive attitudes and behaviors as a group – team building skills Start realizing of interactive techniques in Adults training (analysis on day 3)
Adults learning Adults are not empty vessels seeking to be filled Adults are not clay in need of shaping ADULTS already have Knowledge Experiences Values Relationships
But mostly Adults mostly have … Intentions in learning, that influence their learning procedure. Intentions could be: …… Brainstorming by the group of learners
Intentions could be: Professional qualification (to gain / keep a job) Personal development / Cultural development Cachet in their social environment Fulfilling of a social role (parental etc) But also sometimes without intention (example: forced by their employer*) * Please refer to the training material
Also Adult learners Have different range of experiences Have different learning styles Usually know their preferable learning methods either by knowing the method, or by instinct Want active participation (are not silent listeners) But….
But Adult learners face difficulties in their learning procedure ….. Team work (teams to be done by learners themselves) in small groups of …. (3-5) to define these difficulties. Time of team work in the subject: 5 min
Adult learners difficulties* These difficulties can be categorized as: (personal or social) Time difficulties Fear of failure to meat training’s goals or assessment's necessities Lack of assurance Difficulties to accept the “new” especially if its against existing beliefs Bud organization of learning procedure
Adults Decide for themselves what is important to be learned Need to validate the information based on their beliefs & experiences Expect the subject they are learning to be immediately useful Have experience on which to draw Are able to serve as resources to trainer & fellow learners.
Adult Learning Principles from learners perspective (1/2) Adults expect from training… so the trainer should: focus on real world problems be clear what about to teach them emphasize how learning can be applied relate Learning to learners’ goals relate materials to the learners’ past experiences
2/2 allow debate and challenge of ideas listen and respect the learners’ opinion encourage them (learners) being the resources (towards trainer and each other) remember to treat them like Adults But mostly trainer must listen not only talk
LEARNING STYLES What’s Your Style? Please do you know Anything about learning styles?
Learning Styles Basic classification by Dunn, Beaudry, & Klavas, 1989 Auditory Learn through listening Visual/Verbal Learn through seeing & writing Tactile/kinesthetic Learn through doing
Auditory Learners Learn mainly from the spoken word Written information has not much meaning unless it has been heard first Usually remember names but not faces Estimation of people belonging in Auditory learners: 30%
Visual/Verbal Learners Relate most effectively to written information & pictures, graphs etc….. Thinks in pictures Good spatial sense Estimation of people belonging in this learning style: 65%
Kinesthetic Learners Remember what was done not seen or talked about Occasionally they do not hear things Learn through touch or action (i.e. walking) Information is not normally presented in way that meet their needs. Estimation: 5%
We Remember … 20% of what we Hear 30% of what we See 50 % of what we Hear & See 90% of what we See, Hear & DO “Tell me and I will forget, Show me and I may remember, Involve me and I will understand ….”
The Seven Learning Styles By Howard Gardner Aural Visual Verbal Logical Physical Social Solitary
The Seven Learning Styles Visual (spatial):prefer to learn using pictures, images, and spatial understanding Aural (auditory-musical): prefer to learn using sound Verbal (linguistic): prefer to learn using words, both in speech and writing Physical (kinesthetic): prefer learning using their body, hands and sense of touch.
The Seven Learning Styles (2) Logical (mathematical): prefer to learn using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal): prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal): prefer to work alone and use self-study.
Learning Styles One of the most widely used models of learning styles is The Index of Learning Styles developed by Dr Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman in the late 1980s, and based on a learning styles model developed by Dr Felder and Linda Silverman. (in the picture Dr Felder)
Learning Styles According to this model (which Felder revised in 2002) there are four dimensions (or levels) of learning styles. Think of these dimensions as a continuum with one learning preference on the far left and the other on the far right.
Level 1 SENSORY Sensory learner prefer concrete, practical, and procedural Information. Look for the FACT INTUITIVE Prefer conceptual, innovative, and theoretical information. Look for the MEANING
Level 2 VISUAL Visual learner prefer graphs, pictures, and diagrams. Look for visual REPRESENTATION VERBAL Prefer to hear or read information. Look for EXPLANATION with words
Level 3 ACTIVE Active learner prefer to manipulate objects, experiment and learn by trying. Look for the PRACTICE REACTIVE Prefer to think, through, to evaluate options and find a Problem of his own. Look for ANALYSIS
Level 4 SEQUENTIAL Sequential learner prefer information in order and linearly Put together the DETAILS to take the big picture GLOBAL Prefer a holistic, and systematic approach. They see the big picture first and FILL IN details
Learning theories* Learning theories describe how information is absorbed, processed, and retained during learning procedure. There are 4 up to date major theories in learning procedure Behaviouristic theories Cognitive theories Humanistic theories Social learning theories
Kolb Learning Cycle Tutorial - Static Version
Kolb's model Kolb's model works on two levels: - a four-stage cycle: 1.Concrete Experience - (CE) 2.Reflective Observation - (RO) 3.Abstract Conceptualization - (AC) 4.Active Experimentation - (AE)
and a four-type definition of learning styles, (each representing the combination of two preferred styles), for which Kolb used the terms: 1.Diverging (CE/RO) 2.Assimilating (AC/RO) 3.Converging (AC/AE) 4.Accommodating (CE/AE)
Developed by Bernice McCarthy 1980 4 MAT Developed by Bernice McCarthy 1980 A cycle of learning This model allows trainers to create an engaging program that address a variety of learning styles, intelligences and personality types.
The 4mat Cycle*
4 MAT After the first implementation ENGAGE is transferred to CONNECT + ENGAGE Practice is now Practice and extend
Quadrant 1 TRAINER: Engage and Connect Learners: WHY State the topic Pose the Question Create a high interest Trainer Conveys to learners Why I need to know about this topic Why is this material valuable to me Is there a larger context Gets learners attention with a motivational introduction Personal meaningful connections based on experiences Sharing a story to correlate meaning See material in context with a bigger picture Focus on present and past understandings I know something about this and I want to know more
Quadrant 2 Trainer: Inform and share Learners: What? What do my learners need to know to master the content What are the core concepts to help them understand more with less What do trainer need to emphasize so they will understand the concepts Excel in traditional learning environments Work for defined goals Form concepts by integrating observations into what is known Connect fascination to facts
Quadrant 3 Practice Trainer: Practice Learners: How? How will learners use material presented in real life? Give them opportunities to use new knowledge to solve problems Activities to gain mastery Need to find out how things work Test theories in the real world Make things useful Like problem solving Pragmatic Look for utility & results
Quadrant 4 Practice Trainer: Perform Learners: IF? What can my learners do with this information? What new questions will they have Can they teach someone else? How can I facilitate their learning and self evaluation? Connect things together Teach others what I know Make what is working work better Flexible and adaptable Open to new ideas Risk Takers
Conclusions Are there questions? Definition of the presentations (10th day) Will you help me to summarize our training action of the day?
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