Volume Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. There are two ways we are going to use to determine the volume of an object.
Measuring Solid Volume The volume of a solid object with a regular geometric shape (rectangular box, cube, cylinder, sphere) can be determined using the volume formula for the shape. We are going to focus on rectangular volume today.
Measuring Solid Volume 10 cm 9 cm 8 cm We can measure the volume of regular object using the formula length x width x height = volume. _____ X _____ X _____ = _____ length width height volume 10 cm X 8 cm X 9 cm = 720 cm3 2 cm 4 cm X 3 cm X 2 cm = 24 cm3 3 cm 4 cm
Using a Graduated Cylinder
Using a Graduated Cylinder Understand the size of the graduated cylinder and its markings- 100:1ml near the top means it is a 100 milliliter (ml) beaker and has a line marking every one milliliter increment 500:5ml near the top means it is a 500ml beaker and has a line marking every 5ml increment What would 10:0.2ml mean?
Size of a Graduated Cylinder 100:1ml 10:0.2ml
How to read the volume of a liquid in a graduated cylinder 1. Always measure volume in a graduated cylinder at the bottom of the meniscus. 2. Always look straight from the side of the meniscus at the graduated cylinder to measure volume. NOT from above NOT from below
Reading a graduated cylinder’s volume From above meniscus WRONG!!!!! From below meniscus WRONG!!!!!
Reading a graduated cylinder’s volume From the side of the meniscus CORRECT!!!
Measuring volume of an irregularly-shaped object using water displacement 1.Put a moderate amount of water in a graduated cylinder and measure the volume. 2. Place the object in the graduated cylinder with the water. 3. Measure the volume of the water in the graduated cylinder with the object submerged in it. 4. Subtract the volume of just the water from the volume of the water with the object submerged. This value tells you the volume of the object.
Measuring Water displacement http://resources.edb.gov.hk/~s1sci/R_S1Science/sp/en/syllabus/unit14/new/testingmain1.htm We can measure the volume of irregular object using water displacement. Amount of H2O with object = ______ About of H2O without object = ______ Difference = Volume = ______ 5.6 ml 4.8 ml 0.8 ml
Measuring Water displacement http://resources.edb.gov.hk/~s1sci/R_S1Science/sp/en/syllabus/unit14/new/testingmain1.htm We can measure the volume of irregular object using water displacement. Amount of H2O with object = ______ About of H2O without object = ______ Difference = Volume = ______ 5.0 ml 3.4 ml 1.6 ml