Geography of the Italian peninsula affected Rome’s development.


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Presentation transcript:

Geography of the Italian peninsula affected Rome’s development. The land and weather were nearly identical to Greece. They could farm year round (had more flat land than Greece, but still limited), they had a river and they were close enough to ocean to engage in overseas trade.

Rome is founded by Romulus in 753 BCE Romulus and his brother got into an argument that lead to the death of Remus. Romulus is the first of seven kings to rule over the city. What is going on in Greece at this time?

Romulus and Remus are sons of a god. Both brothers were sons of Mars, the Roman god of war. Sets the theme that Rome is founded on conquest, war and destruction through power

Many different groups lived on the Italian Peninsula during the settlement of Rome. Before Romulus, the Latins lived in Latium, but did not set up a city. Many other tribes competed for the great resources of Latium (Sabines, Etruscans, Latins, Samnites)

All groups had different influence on Rome’s development. Etruscans: lived in the north (Etruria); building styles (arch & aqueducts) and alphabet Greeks: traded foreign goods and cultural diffusion of ideas on religion, society and government Latins: influenced language development and society norms

When Romulus died, he was followed by a series of six other kings The kings that took over were not through dynasty; more a series of takeovers of the surrounding tribes. The monarchies that were present did not set good examples of stable government. They were advised by a senate, but this group was NOT elected and consisted of all rich families. They had an Assembly as well, but they had no real power.

Tarquin the Proud is the last king; kicked out in 509 BCE. Tarquin is the last Etruscan king that is kicked out because of poor leadership. His exit in 509 BCE is seen as the beginning of the Roman Republic.

Why a Republic? Bad kings, powerful wealthy, warring with nations…or the Greeks? Rome was done with a monarchy. The wealthy senators were gaining much more power and people were done with fighting with other nations (for now). Plus the Greeks were very closely connected to the Romans through trade and what happened in 510 BCE in Greece?

Dates to know so far… 753 BCE 575 BCE 509 BCE

Monarchy is gone, but democracy won’t work, so what’s in between? People of Rome knew that they hated what the monarchies had given them, so they wanted to get away from that. But, they did not have many other options. They knew what the Greeks were trying to do, but they did not feel that a pure democracy would work for them either, so they designed a middle-ground where the people would have some say, but there still would be leaders who were in charge and who made the most important decisions. They wanted to get away from monarchy, but they could not totally abandon that style.

Finally a democracy… with no people power At beginning of the Republic, the real power was in hands of the ultra-wealthy two military-type leaders (Consuls) and those who voted and owned land (the Senate). The “regular” people did not have representation. This was okay for a while, but soon the masses became frustrated and wanted more rights.

Conflict amongst the orders… “Orders” refers to the different levels of the people in Rome. The lower classes had been arguing for more power for a while, but it all came to a head in 494 BCE when the lower classes could not take it any longer.

Taking my ball and going home… In 494 BCE the lower class people of Rome left the city in protest. They decided to start their own civilization without the ruling patrician class. That means that 95% of Rome’s population left the city to be occupied by the remaining 5%.

What the Plebeians rebellion looked like… Plebeians stopped working (slow downs and then strikes) They stopped protecting Rome and refused to serve in the army They left the city of Rome to form their own civilization They formed their own government starting with the Council of Plebeians (Ten leaders they elected to rule over them)

Coming to a compromise It did not take long for the patricians to see that they needed the plebeians in order to survive. So, a compromise was reached and the plebeians earned some more power and say in the government.

Resolution to the rebellion; what the plebeians gained… They got to keep the Tribunes and have them e part of the Roman Republic They were allowed to vote down (VETO) unjust laws that were passed by the Senate In 450 BCE, the Laws of the 12 Tables were written down; written laws bring stability to a civilization and forced all people (even the rich) to be accountable for their actions Plebeians were now allowed to join the priesthood (big deal because religion was so important in Rome) Debt bondage is outlawed (another step that brings equality amongst the classes because now the rich cannot “own” the poor) Plebeians can now become members of the Senate (law passed in 367 BCE states that one of the Consuls has to be from the plebeian class.

More dates to know… 494 BCE 450 BCE 367 BCE 287 BCE

539 bCE