English 11: Literature & Composition Ms. G Office: A308 Email: Kari.Gilbertson@district196.org Voice Mail: 651-683-6969 ext.8812
Class Overview College Preparation Course: Reading & Writing Skills Explore literature half the quarter Fiction & Nonfiction Students need to be Independent Readers Approx. 2 books per quarter Plan on approx. 15-20 pages a day/night Composition the other half of the quarter Major writing assignments: formal essays/paragraphs Minor writing assignments: reflective writing Students need to be Independent Writers
What will be read? *Selections are subject to change Quarter 1: The Things They Carried Fences Short Literature Pieces Quarter 2: The Great Gatsby Death of a Salesman ?? Independent Novel?? Quarter 3: The Catcher in the Rye Their Eyes Were Watching God ?? Independent Novel?? Quarter 4: They Poured Fire on us From the Sky A Long Way Gone
What will be written? Descriptive Narrative Literary Analysis Reflective Writing Timed Writing Persuasion
Expectations of you, the student 1. Come prepared to learn Timeliness (be on time, unplugged, ready to focus) Materials (book, notebook, homework, utensil) Stay caught up in reading Participate in class discussions
Expectations of you, the student 2.Maximize Learning (SLANT 03) Sit up Listen Ask and answer questions Nod & Head up (Nonverbal communication) Track the teacher 03: 3 seconds to react All leads to: Avoid cell phone/device/calculator use Avoid eating & sleeping They distract your learning and others
Expectations of you, the student 3. Contribute to a positive environment Open Mind Respect Collaborate in group discussions Encouragement Support
Bottom Line Please be… Prompt Prepared Polite Productive
First Impressions Only get one shot…
Standard Expectations Absent: The day an assignment is due? Due/turn in the day you return The day an assignment is given? You will have 2 days for every day you missed to turn in the assignment(s). Write ABSENT and date you were absent on the top of the assignment.
Standard Expectations cont. Late Work All late DAILY work will drop 10% credit Late work accepted until last day of the unit Late PAPERS drop 10% each day late. Need an extension? Talk to me in advance
Standard Expectations cont. Make up quiz/test Absent for a quiz/test? MUST be made up within in 2 days of returning to school? Room: C335 Before school After school During study hall – room TBD
Important Pieces to Note Standard EVHS grading scale Grade Breakdown Quiz/Tests: 35% Writing: 35% Daily Work: 30% Extra Credit EVHS English Dept. Policy: improve a student’s grade by no more than 1%. Do NOT expect extra credit for this course