BELL WORK: Draw/write the monomer of the following polymers 1. HALTOMROCKSHALTOMROCKS 2. 3.
Science Fact of the Day: The average American consumes about 40 pounds of sugar a year.
Set up page 5 in your journal for Carbohydrate Notes EQ: How can I describe the structure and function of carbohydrates?
Card sort inquiry
Biomolecules (Recap) are found in all living things. are organic compounds. contain the element carbon (C) All living things contain carbon. A substance without carbon is called inorganic. Elements to know: C = carbon N = nitrogen H = hydrogen P = phosphorus O = oxygen
Carbohydrates….here we go! Structure discovery: For the next minute discuss the following questions at your table: How would you describe the structure (shape) of this biomolecule? What elements are present? What pattern exists among the elements? (hint: count them!)
Take a few minutes to make observations: Time? Color change? Energy used? How easily do you think the bonds were broken? Other things you noticed…
Structure: typically ring shaped (there are a few exceptions) contains Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen (CHO) have a 1:2:1 ratio (relationship) in the elements. For every 1 Carbon atom, there are 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom
Think – Pair – Share What are some functions of carbohydrates?
Function: QUICK and IMMEDIATE energy (CAR-bohydrate) contain 4 calories per gram there are fewer bonds to break, so the energy is used up QUICKLY
Living things use carbohydrates as their main source of energy Living things use carbohydrates as their main source of energy. Plants and some animals also use carbohydrates for structural purposes.
Carbohydrates Monomer = monosaccharide Polymers = polysaccharides Glucose Galactose Fructose
Carbohydrates (usually end in –ose) examples of monomers (simple sugars) = glucose, fructose, galactose examples of polymers (complex carbohydrates) = starch, cellulose, glycogen
Examples of Carbs:
Starch - plant storage form for energy easily broken down into glucose units
Cellulose - fiber-like structural material made of glucose monomers used in plant cell walls
Glycogen is the animal short-term storage form of energy Glucose monomers
Chitin is a polysaccharide used as a structural material in arthropod exoskeleton and fungal cell walls.
Monomer: Polymer:
At the bottom of your notes, answer your essential question Use the words carbohydrate, bond, & energy in your answers!
Foldable Time!!! On the FRONT of the Carbohydrate door, color code your elements. C=green, O=blue, H=red On the INSIDE of the Carbohydrate door, write TWO functions, list all elements present, write the name of the monomer On the nutrition label to the right of the function flap, highlight the carbohydrates in green
Debrief: Odd one out A C B
Twinkie deconstructed
Cool Ranch Doritos Deconstructed