5-5 Roots of Real Numbers II Objective: To simplify radicals having various indices, and to use a calculator to estimate the roots of numbers. HW: 5-5 Study Guide
Drill #58 Find the following roots: Factor the following polynomial:
Real nth Roots of n x > 0 positive x < 0 negative x = 0 even (square root, fourth root, etc.) one + , one – no real roots odd one + one –
Even Roots of Variables When evaluating even roots (n is even) of variables use absolute values when you get odd powers…WHY?
Classwork #57 Find the following roots:
Evaluating Roots of Monomials To find a root of a monomial, split the monomial into a product of the factors, and evaluate the root of each factor. Examples:
Study Guide 5-6 #1,2,3
Evaluating Roots of Monomials How do you evaluate roots when n does not divide evenly? Examples:
Homework Finish Study Guide 5-5