ELECTRO FREEZING/HEATING FOIL A.M. Ilyanok, T.N. Timoshchenko Consulting Center "Nanobiology" CJSC amilyanok@gmail.com A.G. Smirnov, A.A.Stepanov The Laboratory “Information displays and optical processing systems”, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, smirnov@bsuir.by 9th Minsk International Seminar “Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators, Power Sources”, Minsk, Belarus, 07-10 September, 2015
Technology “Freezing Chip” The “Freezing Chip” technology is based on novel thin-film nanostructured dielectric and semiconductor materials (electrofreezing/heating foil) with the preset optimal parameters for each specific application. Atomic-molecular engineering methods are using for the construction of electronic heat pipes for air conditioners, household refrigerator and recuperators, infrared sensors, effective freezing of the very-large-scale integration circuits and so on to achieve the efficiencies up to 50% ÷ 70%.
Technology “Freezing Chip” The technology "Freezing Chip" is the key to world refrigeration markets. This technology fundamentally solves the problem: protecting the ozone layer by eliminating cfcs; energy efficiency by reducing power consumption in 1.2 ÷ 1.6 times as compared with compression refrigerators and in 5 ÷ 6 times in comparison with the semiconductor peltier coolers; to change the cooling process on the heating process simply by switching the polarity of the supply voltage, because the anode and the cathode equivalent;
Technology “Freezing Chip” The “Freezing Chip” technology results from the patent of A. Ilyanok “Quantum-size electronic devices and operating conditions thereof” US Patent No 6,570,224 B1, EA patent N 003164, Korea Patent N 10-0646267, CN 1338120 This patent is one of the key invention in the field of nanotechnology, which determines limit characteristics of nanoelectronic elements, operating regimes thereof and methods of parameters analysis.
Quantum thermodynamics – a new approach in physics for applications Quantum thermodynamics is the study of the relations between two independent physical theories: thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. Currently quantum thermodynamics addresses the emergence of thermodynamic laws from quantum mechanics. It differs from quantum statistical mechanics in the emphasis on dynamical processes out of equilibrium, to significantly advance the theory of foundational thermodynamics, with a focus on its applicability in the nanoscale regime http://www.quantumthermodynamics.org/ . We have advanced - we tied the microcosm and the macrocosm with the help of quantum thermodynamics
Quantum thermodynamics – a new approach in physics for applications
Quantum thermodynamics – a new approach in physics for applications Fulleren and the Sun http://metagalactic.net/astron/00.htm
Quantum thermodynamics – a new approach in physics for applications Fulleren and the Sun http://metagalactic.net/astron/00.htm A.M. Ilyanok. Quantum Astronomy. Part II http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0001059v1, Егоров В.М. Письма в ЖТФ Т.19. Вып.19, 1993
Quantum thermodynamics – a new approach in physics for applications Fulleren and the Sun http://metagalactic.net/astron/00.htm The heat death of the universe is a historically suggested ultimate fate of the universe in which the universe has diminished to a state of no thermodynamic free energy and therefore can no longer sustain processes that consume energy (including computation and life Our model of quantum thermodynamics rejects heat death of the universe, and maintains that the universe is eternal http://metagalactic.net/ Nature, V. 425. p.593.
The fundamental laws of the superfluidity of helium in quantum thermodynamics, EA patent N 003164
The fundamental laws of the superfluidity of helium in quantum thermodynamics
Inverse Thermoelectric method - "Freezing Chip" technology We are moving from an uncontrolled 3D interaction of the thermal carrier (molecules, electrons) to the controlled 1D interaction. As a result, the efficiency of 33% (limit of heat engines) can reach 100%.
Inverse Thermoelectric method - "Freezing Chip" technology Innovation of our approach is to move from models using classical drift-diffusion mechanisms of carrier motion in solids and plasmas to quantum mechanical models with local control parameters of the medium due to its nanostructure. This will: • to completely refuse from all types of freons, to actually protect the environment and to eliminate the expenses related to the change-over from CFC-freons to less active HCFC-freons which will not allow the ozone conservation problem to be solved in general; • to refuse from movable mechanisms - compressors and thermal switches that would improve reliability and reduce operating costs; • to achieve efficiency more than 30 % for consumer and industrial air conditioners, refrigeration and recuperator engineering, that would also help conserve electric energy and really protect the environment from the power plants’ emissions; • Effective freezing of the very-large-scale integration circuits.
The electronic heat pipes on the basis of electro freezing / heating foil
A multi-layered freezing chip for cryogenic temperatures and electro- freezing / heating foil for air-conditioning and heat recuperation
Advantages of "Freezing Chip" technology: 1. Decreasing of an electric energy demand approximately in 1.2-1.6 times in comparison with compression refrigeration equipment and 5-6 times in comparison with the semiconductor Peltier coolers at the cost price in the range of $0.3- $ 1.0 per 1W of the expended electrical energy. 2. Decreasing of an electric energy demand approximately in 1.2-1.6 times in comparison with compression refrigeration equipment and 5-6 times in comparison with the semiconductor Peltier coolers at the cost price in the range of $0.3- $ 1.0 per 1W of the expended electrical energy. 3. Environmentally acceptable product due to take-over freons and observance of all inter-national standards. 4. Silence in operation. 5. High performance reliability and low operating costs due to take-over mechanical units. 6. High patent protection.
CONCLUSIONS The main result of the investigations is the creation of thin-film solid thermoelectric converters electricity in the cold/heat with the help of quantum size effects ("Freezing chip" technology) for the mass production of refrigerators, air conditioners and recuperators, electron heat pipe etc. with an efficiency about 50% -70% (depending on temperature). They will work directly from a network (~127V or ~220V or ~380 V) or battery without transformers and galvanic isolation.
Thank you for attention