Makiko ORITA Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University


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Presentation transcript:

Makiko ORITA Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University Communication radiation risk in Kawauchi Village, Fukushima Prefecture Makiko ORITA Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University

Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident The natural disaster led to severe damage to the Plant, which caused subsequent release of large amounts of radionuclides into the air.

Kawauchi Village :Areas in which evacuation orders are ready to be lifted : Areas in which the residents are not permitted to live : Areas where it is expected that the residents have difficulties in returning for a long time Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 FNPP

Process for the reconstruction of the village Declaration of returning hometown Decontamination Restarting of elementary and junior high schools Opening of shopping store

Rate of residents returning to Kawauchi Village (January 2015) Not returned Returned 116 168 256 232 268 455 482 361 372 84 2,739 94 128 174 137 178 196 152 96 133 51 1,158 Rate of return 22 40 82 95 90 259 330 265 239 33 1,581 Age group (Kawauchi village office)

Establishment of Nagasaki University/ Kawauchi Village Reconstruction Promotion Base in Kawauchi Village (April 2013) Mission Evaluation of effectiveness of decontamination through the measurement of radionuclides in soils. Evaluation of risks of internal exposure through the measurement of foods and waters. Health consultation with inhabitants according to the results of above mentioned measurements. Health promotion of inhabitants.

Individual consultation on radiation exposure and health effects

“Mushroom map” in Kawauchi village based on the measurement of radiocesium concentrations in dried mushrooms 2014/8/20 Hawk Wing Honey Mushroom Brick Cap Others キノコ類を含めた食品について、厚生労働省が震災の起こった2011年3月に定めた暫定基準値500Bq/kgから、2012年4月には新基準値として100Bq/kgが設定されているので、セシウム134とセシウム137の合算で100Bq/kg未満と不検出を青で100Bq/kg以上~500Bq/kg未満を緑で500~1000を黄色で1000~10000を赤で、10000以上を紫で示しています。この地図の色分けでみると各エリアに500Bq/kg以上のキノコがみられます。154サンプル中128サンプル(83パーセント)から、500Bq/kg以上の放射性セシウムが検出されました。 (青18(n.d 17) 緑8 黄6   赤86サンプル  紫36サンプル) <100 (Bq/kg) 100-499 500-999 1000-9999 >10000

External radiation exposure dose in Fukushima Prefecture (454,940 residents) (Fukushima Health Survey 2015) Number External exposure doses (mSv)

Number of participants according to internal exposure dose of the Fukushima residents Dose Number of residents <1 mSv 262,627 1-2 mSv 14 2-3 mSv 10 3 mSv- 2 Total 262,653 (Fukushima Health Survey 2015)

Recognition on the health effects of radiation exposure in Fukushima Prefecture (2012) (Fukushima Health Survey Mental Health and Lifestyle Survey.) Very low possibility Very high possibility 1 Do you think that acute radiation syndrome such as hair loss and nasal bleeding occur due to radiation exposure in Fukushima? 19,114 (58.5%) 7,240 (22.2%) 3,259 (10.0%) 3,045 (9.3%) 2 Do you think that late health effects such as malignancies will occur due to radiation exposure in Fukushima? 10,225 (31.4%) 9,531 (29.2%) 6,488 (19.9%) 6,352 (19.5%) 3 Do you think that genetic effects in offspring will occur due to radiation exposure in Fukushima? 7,857 (24.3%) 8,982 (27.7%) 7,331 (22.6%) 8,215 (25.4%) (persons, %)

Risk perception on the radiation health effects in Kawauchi village (May 2014, n=285) Do you think that about the acute radiation syndrome might occur due to the radiation exposure following the accident? Do you have anxiety about the health effects of radiation in children? Do you have anxiety about the health effects of radiation in offspring? 1. 2. 3. Yes No No No Yes Yes Probably yes Probably No Probably No Probably yes Probably yes Probably No

Risk perception on the radiation health effects in Kawauchi village (May 2014, n=285) Do you have anxiety about the health effects of radiation for general population by living the environment ambient dose rate is 0.23µSv/hour for one year (equivalent with 1mSv/year)? Do you have anxiety about the health effects of radiation for general population by eating 100Bq/kg of mushrooms for one year (current regulation value of radiocesium for foods? 1. No 2. Yes No Yes Probably yes Probably No Probably No Probably yes

Discussion Our results showed that the bipolarization of risk perception of health effects due to radiation exposure in Fukushima. Concepts of radiation protection were not fully understood by many Fukushima residents. Specialists must rise to the challenge of overcoming the gap between the documented risk perception of residents and presenting scientific evidence.

Conclusion Bipolarization of the risk perception of the health effects of radiation in residents might have a major impact on long-term social well-being after the accident at FNPP. It is needed for specialists to pursue a risk communication strategy that accepts the serious misunderstandings among many residents.