Study in China Xiamen university of technology Xiamen, south-east china
Island city, emerging as southern China’s “most sophisticated” city Smaller in size, but cosmopolitan and open Beautiful seaside location Pleasant climate: “Chinese Mediterranean”
Costs of living in Xiamen ( note: the information below is for your reference, not verified )
Xiamen university of technology
About xmut Top Ten Fastest Growing Universities in China Founded in 1981 Provincial key(Tier one) university 20 academic schools Over 21,000 students Over 1200 faculties: 50 international faculties from over 10 countries
Course information in xmut UCC students will study at the School of International Languages Students take modules equivalent to 60 Credits (UCC) Learning agreements must be signed before the beginning of the term in XMUT 40 credits for Chinese Language/ Business Chinese (writing, listening, reading, oral) 20 credits academic courses taught in English Student can choose academic modules either from the School of Foreign Languages, or the Business School Chinese History and Culture, Politics, Economics, Financial Management Japanese courses (minor): language and culture (tea-ceremony) – available for B.A. Asian Studies or BA World Languages Students with minor in Japanese
Xmut accommodation Free Accommodation Provided Two students will share a bedroom Accommodation will be allocated by XMUT No cooking facilities in the bedroom Campus Canteens available
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