ALEC 681: Seminar APA Style: References
Objectives Discuss final thoughts about APA rules Discuss basic rules for using APA standards when citing second-tier research Technical Reports Conference Proceedings Theses and Dissertations Limited Works
Final Thoughts on APA Standards No seminar can fully address all the rules found in the APA Manual Many common APA examples found in our research were presented this semester Each writer must take responsibility for careful and accurate use of APA rules in all scholarly works We remain hopeful you will apply what you’ve learned in all future scholarship
APA References: Technical Reports APA Manual, p. 255-259 Technical Reports Report title is italicized If available, always use a report number Use exact title name, publisher, location, etc. Hoff, P. D. (2007). Modeling homophily and stochastic equivalence in symmetric relational data (Rep. No. 522). Seattle, WA: University of Washington Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics and the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences.
APA References: Proceedings APA Manual, p. 259-260 Conference Proceedings Capitalize the name, which is a proper noun If the name of the state, province, or country is included in the name of university, don’t repeat the state, province, or the country in the publisher location Published proceedings, published contribution to a symposium: Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1991). A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality. In R. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol. 38. Perspectives on motivation (pp. 237-288). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
APA References: Proceedings APA Manual, p. 259-260 Treat regularly published proceedings as periodicals Note. If only an abstract of the article appears in the proceedings, insert [Abstract] after the article title and before the period Proceedings published regularly: Cynx, J., Williams, H., & Nottebohm, F. (1992). Hemispheric differences in avian song discrimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 89, 1372-1375.
APA References: Meetings APA Manual, p. 259-260 Unpublished paper presented at a meeting: Kessell, J., & Wingenbach, G. (2007, January). What do agricultural education student teachers know about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act? Paper presented at the 5th annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI. Poster session: Wolfskill, L., & Wingenbach, G. (2007, May). Experiential education across borders: Perceived barriers to participation. Poster session presented at the 23rd annual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, Polson, MT.
APA References: Theses/Dissertations APA Manual, p. 260-262 Theses and Dissertations If the dissertation is from UMI, give the UMI number, volume, and page numbers of DAI If the dissertation from the university was used as the source, give the university, year of dissertation, volume, and page numbers of DAI Omar, A. A. (1986). Problems of international students as perceived by international students and faculty in a public university (Doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas, 1985). Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 101A.
APA References: Theses/Dissertations APA Manual, p. 260-262 Unpublished Dissertation: Roberts, T. G. (2003). The influence of student characteristics on achievement and attitudes when an illustrated web lecture is used in an online learning environment. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville.
APA References: Theses/Dissertations APA Manual, p. 262 Unpublished master’s thesis: Wrye, C. L. (1992). Occupational status and educational needs of the College of Agricultural Sciences graduates of Texas Tech University. Unpublished master’s thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
APA References: Limited Works APA Manual, p. 263 Unpublished and Limited Circulation Unpublished manuscript not submitted for publication: Kessell, J., & Wingenbach, G. (2007). Student teachers’ confidence in teaching special needs students in agricultural education. Unpublished manuscript. Unpublished manuscript with university cited: Wingenbach, G., & Miller, R. (2007). Texas political leaders’ perceived trust, bias, and fairness of biotechnology information sources. Unpublished manuscript, Texas A&M University.
APA References: Limited Works APA Manual, p. 263 Unpublished and Limited Circulation Manuscript in progress, but not accepted: Degenhart, S. H, DuBois, J., & Wingenbach, G. (2007). Assessing middle school English teachers’ perceptions and teaching frequency of essential reading skills. Manuscript submitted for publication. Unpublished raw data from study: Rutherford, T., Wingenbach, G., & Dunsford, D. (2005). [Students participating in HLSR internships]. Unpublished raw data.
That’s enough for today! Do you have questions?