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Resource Evaluation What criteria do you use to evaluate print resources?
Evaluating Online Information Resources Source: Is the domain authoritative? Authority: Is the author or issuing body credible? Purpose of the resource: Is the material for academic use, entertainment, economic gain? References: Are the cited references credible? Timeliness: Is the information current? Style: Is the style of the author clear and understandable? Reliability/stability: Is the material/site readily available at all times? 16 UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 2
Two important concepts: Copyright Citation
Copyright You will have one session on Copyright Law later on in the workshop series
Citing Results A good researcher leaves a marked path so that others may follow-up on his or her research. This is done by citing references to information in such a way that other researchers may find this information.
Citing Results Psychological Association (APA) (5th Edition) Citation styles vary. What is important is the consistency in what is used. Two popular methods are: o Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (5th Edition) o MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (6th edition) UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 2 18
Citing Results MLA does not maintain a web site on citation style but there are many websites with advice on using MLA style APA does maintain a website at http://apastyle.apa.org/ On their web sites many academic libraries provide guidance in using APA, MLA and other citation styles. Just do a Google search on the citation style that interests you. You’ll have many information options to choose from.
Citing Results http://citationmachine.net There are also online programs available to assist with citation. One of these is: http://citationmachine.net
In a Hybrid Library you have print and electronic resources What are the advantages and disadvantages of using print resources? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic resources?
Advantages of Electronic Online Searching Speed — It takes only seconds or minutes to conduct a search Flexibility — Linking is fast Variability — Terms can be truncated Currency — More frequent updates Timeliness — Fast access and delivery Availability at a distance — Resource can be searched online from remote PCs Multimedia — The information can contain text, audio, video, photographs, etc. 19 UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 2
Disadvantages of Relying Solely on Electronic Resources Not all information is available in electronic format Quality control may be weaker than in the case of print resources. Some sites are deliberate hoaxes The number of hits may be voluminous but a large number of false hits can also be retrieved Many electronic resources were published only after the 80’s. For historical research, print resources must be used 20 UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 2
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Today we talked about: Task Definition Information Seeking Strategies Search Tips for Location and Access Evaluation Criteria Citation Styles Advantages and disadvantages of electronic resources
Workshop Wrap-up
We have attempted to address 2 questions How has Information Communication Technology (ICT) affected the Information–Seeking Behavior of Users? What Principles and Skills are needed in Searching Information Systems?
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