What is Law Enforcement Labor Services? Law Enforcement Labor Services Inc. (LELS), founded in 1977, is Minnesota's largest labor union specializing in representing law enforcement personnel throughout the State.
Who are the members of LELS? LELS represents: 4,682 peace officers in Minnesota 1,304 corrections officers and 911 dispatchers across the State 351 locals throughout Minnesota
What Does LELS Do? LELS helps its members negotiate labor contracts for safer working conditions and competitive compensation and benefits. Labor contracts establish the terms and conditions of your employment, including wages, accrued leave, insurance, fringe benefits, standards for discipline within the workplace, and other employee “rights.” **For this reason, it is extremely important to read and understand your labor contract. If you haven’t read it– ask your union steward to give you a copy!**
What Does LELS Do? Our members have the right to the presence of an LELS representative if they are being questioned regarding an incident which could lead to disciplinary action against them, or if they become the subject of an internal affairs investigation. Our members have the right to challenge any discipline brought against them through the grievance procedure. Discipline can include a verbal or written warning, unpaid suspension, demotion, or termination. Your employer can only discipline you if they have “just cause” to do so. This means the discipline has to be fair and warranted under the circumstances. Your LELS Business Agent and your local union steward will provide assistance through this process.
Where do your membership dues go? Monthly dues:$49.00 LELS Dues: Contract negotiations, interest arbitrations, processing grievances, grievance arbitrations, representation during internal affairs investigations, legal research, compensation for staff members, and other administrative costs. **Dues stay in Minnesota, working for you** **LELS is NOT affiliated with national organization**
Where do your membership dues go? Legal Defense Fund: Your LELS membership will give you access to the Legal Defense Fund. This fund provides you with legal representation if you are involved in a critical incident on the job. MPPOA: The MPPOA looks out for the interests of our members by lobbying and advocating for members’ economic, social and professional advancement at the state legislature and in Washington D.C.
The Legal Defense Fund If you are involved in a critical incident you are entitled to legal representation. A critical incident is defined as an action which arises from any act or omission within the scope of employment in which: serious injury or death occurs; or, the discharge of a weapon is involved. You pay no out of pocket expenses. You pay no deductibles. There is no cap on legal costs to defend. Simply put, you will be provided the best defense for the cost of being a member of LELS. LDF 24 Hour Critical Incident Phone Number: 1-855-533-6466 LDF Attorney Profiles: http://www.mppoa.com/attorneys.php
What is the difference between “full share” and “fair share” membership? Full share members make decisions that run the union. They can serve as an elected steward of the union, attend union meetings, help negotiate wages and benefits set forth in labor contracts, and vote on issues affecting the union (contract ratification, local by- laws, election of union stewards). Full share members are also covered by the Legal Defense Fund, which provides legal representation to members involved in critical incidents.
What is the difference between “full share” and “fair share” membership? Fair share members cannot participate in decisions that affect the union. They cannot serve as an elected steward of the union, attend union meetings, help negotiate wages and benefits set forth in labor contracts, or vote on issues affecting the union (contract ratification, local by-laws, election of union stewards). Fair share members are not covered by the Legal Defense Fund. Fair share dues are $34.71/mo (set by Minnesota Statutes).
What is the difference between “full share” and “fair share” membership? All members, regardless of full share or fair share status, will receive: Union representation if they are questioned regarding an incident which could lead to disciplinary action against them, and the right to challenge any discipline brought against them through the grievance procedure. The same terms and conditions of employment (including wages, benefits, and workplace rights); and the ability to enforce these rights through the grievance procedure.
More Information About LELS Ask your local union steward(s) if you have any questions about your union. General information about LELS: http://www.lels.org Find your LELS Business Agent: http://www.lels.org/contact- us/find-your-local-agent/