Basics of the Endnote bibliography and refererence manager program 2013 Attila Skulteti
What can you use it for? Collect bibliographies and articles from various databases Organise and manage the collected data Reuse of the collected data: Make bibliographies Write an article using references
Endnote Web Web version of the Endnote program, it can be accessed freely if you subscribe to Web of Science or Endnote. Advised to use it, if we dont have the Endnote program installed. It can be syncronised with Endnote.
Home Create new account
Registration Valid E-mail address
Make sure, that the password matches the requiments above. Registration Make sure, that the password matches the requiments above.
Main page
Import, select database Online search, we can select the database.
Import, search Start search
Number or records we want to save Import, select results Number or records we want to save
Import, save We can add the selected references to a group, that way the references will be saved.
Import, save Name of the new group
Import, the saved references We can look at the saved references under My references
Finalize the reference with the save button Add new reference Finalize the reference with the save button
We can add, delete, rename and share groups. Manage groups We can add, delete, rename and share groups.
Share groups with others To start sharing groups, click here
Groups shared by others Share groups Csoport megosztása Groups shared by others
We can see the shared groups here too Share groups We can see the shared groups here too
Find references, that are present more than once in the database. Find duplicates Find references, that are present more than once in the database.
Format and save We can make a bibliography from any group, with the selected look and file format.
Format and save
Cite while you write plugin We can download the toolbar for MS Word, this toolbar is installed also, if we install the Endnote program.
Export to file We can make a data file from our references, that can be used by other reference manager applications
Endnote Program 1. Create new database and collect records: Start menu – All programs – Endnote – Endnote Program
Lets choose the Create a new library menu Welcome screen, we can create a new library here, or open an existing one. Lets choose the Create a new library menu
We can specify the name and the location of our new library. Create a new library We can specify the name and the location of our new library.
The empty database
We can open an existing database in the file menu Under Open Library we can see the history of the recently used libraries, or we can open one with Open Library…
1.b An example to import references into Endnote Pubmed Web of Science
Online search Online search modes: No online search, just local references Online search only Integrated online search, the results will be saved to our library right away
Online search Select online search Search fields
Online online search, results We dont see the result list, we ge only a number of the resulting records. We can select how many we want to download.
Downloaded references appear here Online search, results Downloaded references appear here
Pubmed, search Search terms Start search
Save the selected references (Send to) Pubmed, result list Save the selected references (Send to)
Pubmed, results Succesful import
Web of Science, Search Seach word Start searching
Web of Science, result list Save selected references to Endnote
If the download doesnt start automatically, click on the Export button Web of Science, export If the download doesnt start automatically, click on the Export button
The results will appear in Endnote under imported references Web of Science, results The results will appear in Endnote under imported references
Create groups Two kind of groups: Simple group (group) Smart group
Create groups for references All references, Unfiled, trash, My Groups, Online searches
Create groups in the Groups menu
Create groups, simple group Specify the neme of the group
Create groups, copy references into groups Add the seleceted references to the choosen group
Create groups, smart group We can specify a condition, to determine what references should be in the group
Create groups, smart group For exapmple this group includes the references from 2013 only. This group automatically updates every time we import new references
Search duplicates in your references
We can choose wich record to keep, the other gets deleted Search duplicates We can choose wich record to keep, the other gets deleted
We can create a new reference
We can select the reference type New reference We can select the reference type
Edit references We can edit the references, either in the references menu, or by double clicking on one.
Find full-text Endnote can search and download full text for selected references. (Usually from free sources)
At the selected reference, the pdf full text can be opened. Find full-text At the selected reference, the pdf full text can be opened.
Syncronise Endnote Web and Endnote Start Syncronising Endnote, and your Endnote Web account with this button
Syncronise Endnote Web and Endnote Add the email and password of the Endnote Web account.
Endnote toolbar under Ms Word
We need to select the reference in Endnote first Insert citation We need to select the reference in Endnote first
Insert citation
Format… Click on Select Another Style... To select additional formatting templates.
Insert more citations Text Bibliography
Preferences, setting toolbar to use Endnote Web
Endnote Web.. We can search from the references in Endnote Web, and insert them into the document from the results.
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