Welcome to E-Restaurant 3.50
Login Screen Login to the Set the User and Financial Year.
Main Screen
Item Master Add/Modify the Master list of Items. We can categorise the items in deferent item groups for easy stock and other reports. Tax Rate, Room Rate, Counter rate etc. are set in this screen.
Supplier & Customers List Add /Modify Supplier / Customer List for Credit Purchase & Sales. Accounts Ledgers are created against their name and their balances at any point of time can be calculated
Stock Setting & Rate Opening Stock Entry & Sale Rate setting
Purchase Voucher Adding /Modify the Purchase Entry. Items will be added up to stock. Credit / cash options available
KOT KOT booking
KOT Counter Billing KOT Sale voucher at Counter
Direct Billing
Cash Book
Receipts Income / Receipts entry from Customers
Payments & Expense Entry Expense entry Or Payments to Clients / Suppliers.
Bank-Cash Transfer (Contra) Deposit / withdrawal of Cash To / From bank
Main Stock Register
Sales Report
Purchase Summary
Ledger /Supplier Trial Balance
Itemwise Sales
Day Book Details
Thanks for your Patience Only main options are given in the presentation. Options like User Management, Manufacturing Option etc not given Exclusive reports available in sales & Purchase Contact Eee Tech Solutions for more details