Judaism calendar and feasts
Shabbat (Sabbath) only holy day commanded begins with meal on Friday day of rest (people & animals) -- no work prayer, study Torah video Shabbat: Stop, Rest, Enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0T91jtM0M8c
lunar calendar month = new moon (sliver visible) lunar year = 336 days solar year = 365 days prevent drift – 13th month (Adar II) 1st month = Nisan but new year = Tishri (fiscal year) names of months = Babylonian (prior to Exile – identified by number)
months of the year 7 Tishri (September-October) 8 Cheshvan (October-November) 9 Kislev (November-December) 10 Tevet (December-January) 11 Shevat (January-February) 12 Adar (February-March) (13 Adar II) 1 Nisan (March-April) 2 Iyar (April-May) 3 Sivan (May-June) 4 Tammuz (June-July) 5 Av (July-August) 6 Elul (August-September)
major feasts/holy days Purim (14 Adar) Festival of Lots Pesach (15–22 Nisan) Passover Shavu’ot (6–7 Sivan) Festival of Weeks Greek = Pentecost Tisha b’Av (9 Av) Rosh ha’Shanah (1-2 Tishri) New Year Yom Kippur (10 Tishri) Day of Atonement Sukkot (15–22 Tishri) Festival of Booths/Tabernacles Chanukah (25 Cheshvan-2 Kislev) Dedication
High Holy Days Rosh ha’Shanah (“head of the year”) 2 days, creation videos: RH in 60 Seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRp0vw8RBAw How to Celebrate RH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1creh__yyAk Rosh Hashanah is Beautiful http://www.aish.com/v/ho/What-Makes-Rosh-Hashanah-Beautiful.html
High Holy Days Days of Awe (10): reconciliation, charity Yom Kippur Day of At-one-ment “Sabbath of Sabbaths” Crash Course http://www.aish.com/v/ho/Crash_Course_on_Yom_Kippur.html YK in 60 Seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0BewJfSwNU
Sukkot* harvest feast Exodus: wilderness sukkah (booth, tabernacle) video: How to build a sukkah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p8VAOE4LVQ video: Why Now? http://www.aish.com/v/ho/103030184.html
Chanukah (Hanukkah) 8 days 2nd c. BCE (Selucids) Antiochus IV Epiphanes video: Hanukkah Story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Emg6oSwfhc illegal to practice Judaism Jerusalem Temple: Olympian Zeus abomination of desolation
Chanukah: resistance, revolt, victory priest Mattathias & sons – Judah, Simon,Eleazar, Johanan & Jonathan Maccabees = hammers liberate Jerusalem cleanse, purify and re-dedicate Temple to Yahweh Chanukah = re-dedication “miracle of the oil” – menorah, oily food religious liberty freedom conscience
videos: Rock of Ages http://www. aish. com/v/ho/Chanukah_Rock_of_Ages videos: Rock of Ages http://www.aish.com/v/ho/Chanukah_Rock_of_Ages.html How to Play Dreidel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkTLN1T17p4 Stand Four (Maccabeats) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAbTDHblxFM Burn (Maccabeats) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbec3WSPanw Candlelight (Maccabeats) http://www.aish.com/v/ho/Candlelight.html
Purim: Book of Esther Purim Animated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG7UeaKE_dc Persia: King Xerxes (a.k.a. Ahasuerus 5th c. BCE) Jewess named Esther becomes Queen Mordecai hated by Haman Haman’s plot – overthrow King Xerxes Lots: 15 Adar (February/March)
Purim themes heroism of Jews (E & M) Jews refuse worship of local gods, yet reliable citizens God’s continual care for His people (God never mentioned ) videos: Purim Song (Maccabeats) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgJInVvJSZg
Purim celebrations Plays to re-enact story (gragger) dress in costumes (feast of fools) candy, sweets (Hamantashen) parades burn Haman in effigy
Pesach* (Passover) 7 days harvest/Exodus blood of lamb unleavened bread (bread of affliction) seder meal (handout) liberation, freedom
Passover Video Crash Course: Passover http://www.aish.com/v/ho/Crash_Course_on_Passover.html Passover in 60 Seconds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASkMkQFAblk Passover Rhapsody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRWNrk7FxG4 How to Host a Passover Seder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQlDfUEpk10 Passover: Les Miserables (Maccabeats) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmthKpnTHYQ Passover Funk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v3xjf1kGlg
Shavu’ot* literally "weeks“ 7 weeks after Pesach (Greek = Pentecost = 50 days) celebrates Moses reception of Torah on Mount Sinai flowers & dairy products (desert blooms/Torah = milk) video: Crash Course http://www.aish.com/v/ho/Crash_Course_in_Shavuot.html
Tisha b’Av 9th of Av Destruction of Temple 586 BCE (Babylon) Solomon’s Temple 70 CE (Rome) Herod’s Temple video: Crash Course http://www.aish.com/v/ho/Crash_Course_on_Tisha_BAv.html
pilgrimage feasts then (before 70 AD): Temple in Jerusalem now: home & synagogue Sukkot (tabernacles/booths) 1st harvest Pesach (Passover/unleavened bread) Shavu’ot (weeks/Pentecost) 2nd harvest
death and burial Jewish Burial Customs (sitting shiva) handout video: Jewish Guide to Shiva Practices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkKqoUYoXTg
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