BigPanDA Workflow Management on Titan Next Generation Workflow Management for High Energy Physics We worked with Big Panda to provide Interoperabilty across resources using SAGA. Now we are enabling more flexible execution of workloads on titan for Big Panda. This will allow PanDA to support ATLAS workloads in regular queue, improve execution modes, as well as different workloads. The Simple API for Grid Applications (SAGA) is a family of related standards specified by the Open Grid Forum to define an application programming interface (API) for common distributed computing functionality. “BigPanDA Workflow Management on Titan for High Energy and Nuclear Physics and for Future Extreme Scale Scientific Applications,” DOE/SC/ASCR Next-Generation Networking for Science, Rich Carlson. PI: Alexei Klimentov (BNL); Co-Pis; K. De (U. Texas-Arlington), S. Jha (Rutgers U) J.C. Wells (ORNL)
Year-1 Accomplishment Highlights HPC Operations Increased Titan’s utilization by > 2 percent Larger than size of the average OLCF INCITE project Computer Science Prototyping and implementation of a reference implementation (PanDA NGE) of model of Pilot Jobs “Converging High-Throughput and High-Performance Computing: A Case Study” “A Building Blocks Approach towards Domain Specific Workflow Systems” Physics Accomplishments Titan is having an impact across a broad range of LHC physics topics. Almost every paper that we publish is being touched. 52 physics publications since September 2016 acknowledge OLCF resources
Making Use of “Unusable Backfill” Consumed 129 Million Titan core hours, 7/16 to 6/17 This is 2.5 percent of total available time on Titan 170 % of average INCITE project
ATLAS simulation time worldwide: February 2017 ATLAS Detector Simulation integrated with Titan (OLCF) Titan has already contributed a large fraction of computing resources for MC simulations Titan contributed 4.4% of total simulation time in February 2017. > 5%
Physics Accomplishments Simulated a variety of standard model background processes Titan is having an impact across a broad range of LHC physics topics. Almost every paper that we publish is being touched. Leptonic decay of W bosons - to mu+nu and e+nu Invisible decay of Z bosons, to two neutrinos Drell Yan tau+tau production Gamma+jet background, Jpsi production, ttbar to all decay channels, trilepton exotic model Many different generators - Sherpa, Powheg, Pythia, NLO and NNLO. All processed through ATLAS detector using Geant4. MC15/MC16 - relevant for 13 TeV data runs in 2016-2018.