Innovation programme voor education Customised Education Innovation programme voor education Lieke Rensink, 24 januari 2017
SURF Universities Universities of applied sciences University Medical Centre's SURF SURFnet National research and education network SURFmarket Commercial ict products and services SURFsara Scientific computing and storage Vocational Education Research
Customised education 2015-2018 “In 2018 higher education institutions offer adequate services and have the right expertise to enable personalised and flexible education that corresponds to the learning needs of the individual student in the best possible way.”
Customised education knowledge experiments services Access to learning and testing materials knowledge experiments Organizing Flexibility services Open & online education Flexible & personal learning environment Understanding study progress Knowledge and Expertise Centre Testbed for innovative IT applications: explore possibilities of new technologies
Testbed for innovative IT applications Institutions have insight into the possibilities of the use of new technologies in education to improve the quality of education and to identify promising applications based on experience from practical experiments Highlights 2015: Experiments with new technologies in education: Google Glass Battle of concepts – involving students in bringing up ideas for innovative ICT applications Innovation challenge for customised education 2015 - students and lecturers Highlights 2016: Experiments with new technologies in education: 3D-printing, Virtual Reality, Drones Start-ups Community building Innovation Labs Innovation challenge for customised education 2016 - 2017 – Innovation Labs