GWG Metadata Focus Group (GWG MFG) February 2006 Norman C. Andersen Chair, MFG NGA/NCGIS
GWG Focus Groups
GWG Focus Groups & Chairs NITFS Technical Board (NTB), Steve Kerr Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB), John Zabitchuck Community Sensor Model Working Group, Neil Sunderland, GWG Coordinator GEOINT Reporting, Dave Irvin Geographic Portrayal, Dan Gleason Application Schemas for Feature Encoding, Cliff Daniels Metadata, Norm Andersen Information Transfer and Service Architecture, Dr. Charles Roswell & Glenn Guempel Delete these slides – they are in your Intro section of the Focus Group briefings 3
Geospatial Metadata Harmonization Activities - DoD Metadata Working Group (DoD MWG) - Intelligence Community Metadata Working Group (IC MWG) - International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 211 (Geospatial) (ISO/TC211) - ISO/International Electrotechnical Commission Joint Technical Committee 1 Sub-Committee 24 (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC24) ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 ---------------------------------------------------- - Advanced Geospatial Intelligence _______ Working Group (AGI __WG) - Multi-Service Distributed Common Ground System Multi-Service Execution Team Metadata Working Group (DCGS MET MWG) American National Standards Institute/International Committee for Information Technology Standards (ANSI/INCITS) - Dept Homeland Security Community of Interest Metadata Working Group (DHS COI MWG) - Digital Geospatial Information Metadata Working Group (DGIWG MWG) - MASINT ______ Working Group (MASINT __WG) - Motion Imagery Standards Board Metadata Working Group (MISB MWG) - Multinational Geospatial Co-Production Group Technical Group (MGCP TG) - National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Technical Board (NTB) - NATO Air Group IV Metadata Harmonization Technical Support Team (AGIV MH TST) - NGA Engineering Architecture (EA) (GeoScout) NGA Image Product Libraries Access Standardization Working Group (IPL ASWG) ------------------------------------------------------- - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) - Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Geospatial Intelligence Standards Working Group (GWG) - Joint Interoperability Test Center (JITC) National Reconnaissance Agency (NRO) National Security Agency (NSA) NGA Engineering Data Working Group Metadata Focus Group (EDWG MFG) - NGA Enterprise Engineering (EE) - Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Topic 11 Drivers (mandatory reqts) GWG MFG Producers Harmonizing Metadata Among: Contributors 4
Metadata Focus Group Activities Country codes Domain name space handling Taxonomy / semantics / ontology Common / Recommended Core Quality Metadata Feature metadata Symbology Metadata Crosswalk Management Metadata Registries 5
Geospatial Metadata Drivers DoD MWG - Defense Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) IC MWG - Intelligence Information Sharing Standard (IISS) for Resource Metadata (RM): Application Profile for Discovery (formerly known as IC Core Standard for Metadata) - Intelligence Information Sharing Standard (IISS) for Information Security Markings (ISM): XML Implementation (formerly known as IC Metadata Standard for Information Security Markings) ISO/TC211 - ISO 19101-2 Reference Model for Imagery - ISO 19115:2003 Geospatial Metadata - ISO 19139 XML Schema Implementation of ISO 19115:2003 - ISO 19115-2 Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data - ISO 19130 Sensor and Data Models for Imagery and Gridded Data ISO/IEC JTC1 SC24 - ISO/IEC 12087-5 Basic Image Interchange Format (BIIF) - ISO/IEC 18023-18026, 18041-18042 SEDRIS-based standards ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 - ISO/IEC 15444JPEG 2000 6
Geospatial Metadata Deliverables/Activities DCGS MET MWG - DCGS Block 10.2 Metadata Catalog DGIWG MWG - Metadata Standard for use within the Military Community - DGIWG Metadata Register Elements MISB MWG - Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Profile for Aerial Surveillance and Photogrammetry Applications (ASPA) MGCP - Specification of the MGCP Cell and Sub-Region Metadata NATO AGIV MH TST - STANAG 7023 Primary Imagery - STANAG 4545 Secondary Imagery - STANAG 4607 Ground Moving Target Indicator - STANAG 4609 Digital Motion Imagery - STANAG 4633 NATO Common Emitter Reporting Format - STANAG 4559 NATO Standard Imagery Library Interface (NSILI) - Crosswalks of STANAG Metadata NGA Engineering Architecture - Global Metadata Catalog NGA Enterprise Engineering - Metadata Crosswalks - Core/Recommended Community Metadata Sets NGA IPLs - Core Command SPIA Metadata Tags 7
Geospatial Metadata Producer Deliverables/Activities Driver Function Activity/Deliverable AGI __ WG Sensors AF DCGS MET MWG ISO 19115 Imagery, Sensors Metadata Catalog; Crosswalks ANSI/INCITS ISO 19115 Vector, Imagery, Sensors Standards, Profiles DHS COI MWG Vector, Imagery Core metadata sets; data dictionaires; taxonomies DGIWG MD WG ISO 19115 Vector Profile; Metadata Registers MASINT __ WG Imagery, Sensors MISB MWG ISO 19115, 19130 Imagery Profiles MGCP TG ISO 19115, 19139 Vector Profile; Specification NTB ISO 19115, 19115-2 Imagery Standard AGIV MH TST ISO 19115, 19115-2, 19130 Imagery, Sensors Crosswalks; Profiles; STANAGs NGA EA ISO 19115, 19115-2, 19130, 19139; IISS for RM: Metadata; DDMS Vector, Imagery, Sensors Crosswalks; Profile NGA EE ISO 19115, 19115-2, 19130, 19139; IISS for RM: Metadata; DDMS Vector, Imagery, Sensors Crosswalks; Core/Recommended Community Metadata Sets NGA IPLs ISO 19115 Imagery, Sensors Crosswalks; Core Community Metadata Set 8
Core Metadata Sets
Mandatory/Recommended Metadata Sets for the Geospatial Community Common Core (CC) All Datasets Recommended Core (RC) Geospatial Common Core (CC) All Geospatial Datasets Geospatial Recommended Core (RC) V (CC) R (CC) I (CC) Specific Geospatial Datasets V (RC) R (RC) I (RC) Organizational Extensions 10
Country Codes
Country Codes: Background Multiple standards: ISO 3166-1: Internationally ratified bi-graph and tri-graph coding scheme plus numerical values FIPS 10-4: U.S. Federal publication identifying the two-letter country codes that ALL U.S. agencies and organizations are to use (mandated). STANAG 1059: Directs the usage of three-letter codes based on ISO 3166-1 Others: Intelligence, internal, WWW, IHO, ITU 12
Preferred Resolution of CC Issue No changes to FIPS 10-4 No changes to ISO 3166-1 unless use of “reserved codes” is required Build a look-up table (LUT) containing the information needed to identify Country Code standards Establish a “Registry” of authorized country codes and maintenance authority 13
Domain Name Space
Domain Name Space Handling Requirement Communities need to share geospatial-enabled information Description Domains (communities) have different: Data Models Encodings (schema) Data Presentations Solution needed to support interoperability Requirement cuts across organizational lines 15
Status Domain Name Space Handling Technical Exchange Telecon held 14 February 2006 Primarily focusing on XML name space DoD Metadata Registry and Clearinghouse Base namespace URI: Allocated GEO for Geospatial and Imagery - Allocated INT for Intelligence - Issues to be resolved Is there is a need to sub-categorize GEO? GEO is composed of GML 2.0 and other OGC packages Separate namespace for metadata?, i.e. Can the ISO 19139 geospatial metadata standard namespace be reused ( Recommend developing a guidance paper similar to that developed for AOP – Aerospace Operations ( Need input from organizations with practical experience 16
Goals and Products Investigate the taxonomy requirements for discovery services and metadata Educate the community about the taxonomy requirements of discovery metadata Develop recommendations for the taxonomies needed for discovery metadata and discovery services 18
Impacts The Metadata Focus Group for Taxonomy will work to Improve the interoperability of federated discovery services Improve the quality of discovery services Improve the power and flexibility of discovery services 19
Planned Meetings Monthly teleconferences to be held at 0900 CDT (1000 EDT) on the last Thursday of each month. Kickoff meeting was held on 27 October 2005 The dial-up information for the next meeting is: Toll Free number: 866-648-7367 Conference id: 5063 Moderator: Janet Johns, MITRE 20
Metadata Common Core
Metadata Common Core Recommended Metadata Common Core Presented at last GWG MFG Common Core sub-group started up, led by Shawn Silkensen Attempted to have a introductory telecon, but there was no attendance Call for volunteers to sign up to participate in group Draft of Sub-Group Work Plan as been put together Common Core is to be extended to cover: Vector data (ex. MGCP) Imagery data (ex. 19115-2, IPL Core) Sensor data (ex. 19130) 22
Geospatial Metadata Core Dictionary Row # Name Definition Conditionality Source 1 resource title name by which the cited resource is known Mandatory ISO 19115; Dublin Core IC Core; DDMS GMAP 2 resource reference date reference date for the cited resource Mandatory ISO 19115; Dublin Core IC Core; DDMS GMAP 3 resource abstract brief narrative summary of the content of the resource(s) Mandatory ISO 19115; Dublin Core IC Core; DDMS GMAP 4 metadata point of contact party responsible for the metadata information Mandatory ISO 19115; GMAP 5 metadata date stamp date that the metadata was created Mandatory ISO 19115; GMAP 6 dataset language language(s) used within the dataset Mandatory ISO 19115; Dublin Core IC Core; DDMS GMAP 23
Crosswalks Crosswalks currently in-work ISO 19115 – DDMS – NDMS – IC ISO 19115 – DCGS – GMAP – GS Common Core – IPL AGIV STANAGs (4545, 4607, 4609, 7023) Individual STANAG -> ISO 19115/115-2/130 ISO 19115/115-2/130 -> All STANAGs (AGIV “profile”) 25
Crosswalk Example 19115 – DDMS – NDMS - IC References used for Metadata Crosswalk DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) Version 1.1, 1 July 04 NATO Discovery Metadata Specification (NDMS) Version 0.1 Intelligence Community (IC) Standard for Core Metadata DED Version 1.0, 5 July 02 ISO 19115 Element Hierarchy DDMS Element NDMS Element IC Element [6] title (M) C5.T1.Title (M) Title Title (M) [8] date (M) C5.T6.Date (O) / C6.T3.TemporalCoverage (M) Date / Coverage Date (M) / Coverage (M) [8] code C5.T2.Identifier (M) Identifier Identifier (M) [8] individualName C5.T3.Creator (M) / C5.T4.Publisher(O) / C5.T5.Contributor(O) Creator / Publisher / Contributor Creator / Publisher / Contributor (M) [8] organisationName [8] positionName Creator / Publisher / Contributor (M) [4] abstract (M) C6.T5.Description (O) Description Description (M) [6] keyword C6.T12.Subject (M) Subject Subject (M) 26
Crosswalk Common Core – IPL Core Element Conditionality IPL Element resource title Mandatory Product Title resource reference date File/Product Creation Date/Time Group security Mandatory (DoD/IC) Security Classification, Releasibility Instructions identifier BE Number / Target ID resource originator Producer Code keyword Keyword Repetitions geographic location (bounding box) Conditional GEOLOC / TargetGEO 27
Core Vector Extensions
Core Vector Dataset Metadata Elements ISO 19115:2005 prescribes a core set of metadata elements for general use MGCP will produce vector datasets and has additional, minimum metadata elements Core set of metadata is intended to be used for cataloguing and discovery of datasets and is the minimum set of elements MGCP provides cataloguing metadata for the aggregation of the datasets (cell level) and the datasets (subregion level) 29
Core Metadata User View for a Standalone Dataset About the Metadata Language Character set Scope Producing agency Producing country Metadata date stamp Metadata standard name and version Aggregated dataset URI Metadata security classification markings Data Quality Information Horizontal accuracy evaluation method Absolute horizontal accuracy Vertical accuracy evaluation method Absolute vertical accuracy Lineage (repeat for each source) General lineage statement Source title Creation date of the source Source type Source identifier Source scale Identification of the Aggregated Dataset Aggregated dataset identifier Creation date Edition date Series identifier Description Producing agency Producing country File format name, version, and specification Dataset security classification markings Data copyright restrictions Language Character Set Geographic extent Minimum Z value Maximum Z value Comments Content Feature catalogue name Feature catalogue publication date Feature catalogue included with dataset (flag) Names of feature types in the dataset Coordinate Reference System CRS identifier 30
Quality Metadata
Working Group Goals i. Recommend to the GEOINT Standards Working Group, Metadata Focus Group (MFG) a standard protocol (format, process) for documenting the quality of geospatial data in GEOINT metadata. The GWG MFG may then determine next steps for incorporating the recommendations into practice across the NSG. Identify Identify key relevant international, national, and/or and federal standards impacting the process by which geospatial data quality are assessed and documented, and identify any outstanding or conflicting issues for future resolution. 32
Quality Meetings Toll Free number: 1-877-602-8687 1. Anticipated Frequency and Duration of Meetings: As required, to be determined by sub group. A minimum of monthly one-hour teleconferences to be held at 0900 CDT (1000 EDT) on a date to be determined. The dial- up information is as follows: Toll Free number: 1-877-602-8687 Conference id: 5349528 # (Pound sign) Moderator: Daniel Feinberg, Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) Chief Architect, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Installations and Environment, Business Transformation Directorate 33
Feature Metadata
Feature Metadata Sharon Shin FGDC c/o USGS Denver Federal Center, Building 810 P.O. Box 25046 Mail Stop 302, Room 8000 Denver, CO, 80225-0946 303-202-4230 303-202-4229 FAX 35
Symbology Metadata
Symbology Metadata Robert Gibson EE Airborne Metadata Harmonization Team 15036 Conference Center Drive Chantilly, VA 20151 703-961-5917 37
Crosswalk Management
Current Utility of the Crosswalks Crosswalks are used to provide a mapping between metadata standards VPF, FGDC, ISO 19115, AGIV STANAGs, etc. Currently mappings are maintained using MS-Excel Pros: Uses a common, well-understood application for managing the information Easy to sort and search on the information Cons: Maps legacy standards to ISO 19115, which limits the ability to compare between legacy standards Generating customized reports which could be used as configuration files for automated testing and transformation applications is difficult Crosswalks are maintained by team of “experts” with knowledge of the standards and the spreadsheets 39
Put the Crosswalks to Use Develop a simple RDBMS application (using MS-Access or MySQL) to maintain the element mappings Reuse common mapping to ISO 19115 standard as the “binding mapping” Pros: Application can be made robust and simpler to use by experts in the legacy standards Provides mechanism to produce mappings between legacy standards for validating the mappings and producing transformations between standards Existing mappings can be imported from the spreadsheets Cons: Needs to be developed (unless there is an existing application) and the database needs to be populated Access and MySQL applications are not as widely used as Excel 40
Registries for Metadata DGIWG is developing a simple set of registers (catalogues) of information needed to support metadata use: Extensions to the metadata standard Units of measure Coordinate (Spatial) reference systems Codelists Feature data dictionary (feature and attribute definitions) Feature catalogue (feature and attribute associations+) Portrayal (symbology and rules) Quality measures Initially, these registers will take the form of XML instance documents 42
Register Implementation ISO 19139 provides a model for catalogues for Coordinate Reference System, Units of Measure, and Codelists 43
Supporting Catalogues Code Lists for Content Consistancy DGIWG candidate codelists for elements implemented as CharacterString Language used in MD_Metadata, MD_DataIdentification and MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription Classification system used in MD_SecurityConstraints Country used in CI_Address Data format used in MD_Format Others? XML schema implementation is available in ISO 19139 Can be used for automated validation of content – not available with XML schema validation only Will maintain the authoritative reference and the lineage of the elements within the catalogue 44
Points of Contact Norm Andersen – Chair GWG- MFG ( Bob Kuffel – GWG- MFG Secretariat ( Hugh Bryant - Domain Space Handling ( Shawn Silkensen- Common/Recommended Core ( Gerald Johnston – Country Codes ( Janet Johns – Taxonomy/Semantics/Ontology ( ) Dan Feinberg - Quality Metadata ( ) Sharon Shin - Feature Metadata ( Robert Gibson - Symbology Metadata ( 45
Next Steps and Logistics Next Meeting - Ft. Huachuca 26-27 Apr 2006 Special Interest Groups – normally meet telephonically monthly Norman Andersen/NGA-NCGIS 703-814-4565 46