Focus on Syllabication Please read the slide notes 2nd Grade Focus on Syllabication UNIT 4 Please read the slide notes prior to teaching. Three mini-lessons are provided for each week of instruction. They are designed to build on the word-work/spelling in Treasures, extending the sound-symbol relationships taught into polysyllable words. The lessons build sequentially and should be taught systematically. The lessons follow a common structure: Anticipatory Set: A question related to prior learning and used as a jumping-off point for the lesson. This can be done orally. Encourage students to Think-Pair-Share before discussing as a class. It is important that students explain their thinking. Direct Instruction: New instruction and/or guided practice is provided. Students can follow along using whiteboards. Independent Practice: Students apply the learning independently. Students can practice syllabication on whiteboards. Closure: A question to wrap-up the learning. This can be done orally. Encourage students to Think-Pair-Share before discussing as a class. It is essential that students are able to explain their thinking. At the end of the final lesson for the week, a Pop Quiz is administered. The quiz typically consists of a single word to syllabicate and a question to answer. Students should do the quiz on a piece of blank paper. You want to check the students’ metalinguistic responses. Is the syllabication done correctly? Are they written in complete sentences? Did the student respond fully to the question? Do they explain their thinking in a way which adequately conveys the concept being addressed? The Smart Start lessons differ. There are 5 lessons total to cover the two weeks of instruction. They do not work on syllabication. Instead, the Start Smart lessons review a critical spelling rule. Once taught, the students should be held accountable for this information for the remainder of the school year. Anytime they spell a LUCKY SHORT word, they must spell it correctly.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 1 Lesson 1 of 3
Our last syllable type is the diphthong syllable Our last syllable type is the diphthong syllable. *Note the letters [ph] say /f/. Direct Instruction:
There is no diacritical mark for all diphthongs in the dictionary, so use this one. We usually use –ow at the end of a word...plow Although it can come before an [n] or an [l]...owl Direct Instruction:
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. cow clown howl crowd* brown growl crown scowling gown growling *This word is a rule breaker. We usually only find an [n] or [l] after –ow. Direct Instruction:
~ d o w n t o w n e e a l l o w a n c e / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / / GUIDED PRACTICE d o w n t o w n V C C V Guided: down-town: Both syllables are diphthong. We expect to see –ow a the ends of syllables, but this pattern can be followed by [n]. This is a compound word. al-low-ance: If students had noticed that –ance is a suffix, they could separate it from the word first. The first and last syllables are closed but under the control of the schwa. This is common with suffixes and with words beginning with the letter [a]. The middle syllable is diphthong. [ce] says /s/. / e e a l l o w a n c e V C C V V
~ ~ t o w e r i n g b o w w o w p o w w o w / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE V V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ INDEPENDENT PRACTICE t o w e r i n g V V Independent Practice: tow-er: Separate the suffix [-ing] from the base word. The first syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. The second syllable is r-control. bow-wow: Both syllables are diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. pow-wow: Both syllables are diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. b o w w o w p o w w o w V C V V C V
Compare and contrast these two cards. Checking for Understanding Both of the cards contain two letters that make a single sound. The cow card contains two vowels that make a new vowel sound. The shell card contains two consonants that make a new consonant sound.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 1 Lesson 2 of 3
When do you usually use the spelling -ow in a word When do you usually use the spelling -ow in a word? We usually use ou in the beginning or middle of a word. out count Direct Instruction:
Read the spelling words that contain the ou spelling Read the spelling words that contain the ou spelling. pound round loud sound cloud house shout ground bounced around pouches underground Direct Instruction:
~ ~ p o w e r h o u s e / / GUIDED PRACTICE V V C V V V VCCV Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE ~ / p o w e r h o u s e Guided: pow-er-house: The first and last syllables are diphthong. In the first syllable, we expect to see [-ow] at the end of the syllable. in the last syllable, we expect to see [ou] in the middle of the syllable. The second syllable is r-control. It is a compound word. V V C V
~ t o w n h o u s e l o u d m o u t h o u t s i d e / Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE t o w n h o u s e V C C V Independent Practice: town-house: Both syllables are diphthong. In the first syllable, we expect to see [-ow] at the end of the syllable. It can be followed by [n]. In the last syllable, we expect to see [ou] in the middle of the syllable. It is a compound word. loud-mouth: Both syllables are diphthong. We expect to see [ou] in the middle of the syllable. It is a compound word. out-side: The first syllable is dipthong. We expect to see [ou] at the beginning of the syllable. The last syllable is magic e. It is a compound word. l o u d m o u t h o u t s i d e V C C V V C CV
Tell what you know about the spelling patterns on this card. Checking for Understanding They both say the vowel sound we hear in the word “cow”. [-ow] is more common. We know this because it is the first spelling on the card. [-ow] is usually found at the end of syllable/word, but it can be follow by an [n] or [l]. [ou] is used at the beginning or middle of a syllable.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 1 Lesson 3 of 3
Compare and contrast the highlighted spelling patterns on this card. Direct Instruction: [-ow] on the boat card is a vowel team. Vowel teams are two letters, usually two vowels, that work together to make an expected sound. One of the letters is the captain of the team and says its long vowel sound. The letter [o] is the captain of this vowel team, so it says the long /o/ sound. (The only exception is ea, which can make both a long vowel sound, as in read, and a short sound, as in bread.) [-ow] on the cow card is a diphthong. Diphthongs are two letters, usually two vowels, that work together that make a brand new sound, not one of the sounds normally associated with either letter. Both of these spellings are usually found at the end of a syllable, but can be followed by an [n] or [l]. slow how own bowl down owl
~ s n o w p l o w e e p l o w a b l e / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / / GUIDED PRACTICE s n o w p l o w V C C V Guided: snow-plow: The first syllable is long /o/ vowel team. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. The last syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. We do not divide this word between the consonants in the vccv pattern because it is a compound word. The clue is that [-ow] is found a the end of a syllable. plow-a-ble: The first syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. The second syllable is open and under control of the schwa. The last syllable is –cle. / e e p l o w a b l e V V
~ s h o w d o w n d o w n s p o u t b l o w o u t / Independent Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / Independent PRACTICE s h o w d o w n Independent Practice: show-down: The first syllable is long /o/ vowel team. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. The last syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable, but it can be followed by an [n]. It is a compound word. Problem-solve the spelling for the long /o/. We cannot use a single [o] because there are only a few single syllable words that end with an open syllable /o/; go, no, and so. We cannot use magic e, since in this compound word, there is no consonant for the e to leap over. -ay is found at the end of a syllable. We cannot use [oa] because it is found at the beginning or middle of a syllable. -ow is the most common possible spelling, and that is correct. down-spout: Both syllables are diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable, but it can be followed by an [n]. We expect to see [ou] in the middle of a syllable. It is a compound word. blow-out: The first syllable is long /o/ vowel team. We expect to see [-ow] at the end of a syllable. The last syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [ou] in the middle of a syllable. It is a compound word. V C V d o w n s p o u t b l o w o u t V C CC V V V
~ o u t g r o w i n g / / V C C C V V V VCCV Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / / o u t g r o w i n g V C C C V POP QUIZ: Students syllabicate the words to prove the pronunciation. Then, they explain how they know the number of syllables in the words. Students must work on this independently and write their answers in complete sentences on lined paper. out-grow-ing: Separate the suffix [-ing] before syllabicating the word. The first and fourth syllables are closed. The second and third syllables are r-control. It is a compound word. Problem-solve the spelling for the long /o/. We cannot use a single [o] because there are only a few single syllable words that end with an open syllable /o/; go, no, and so. We cannot use magic e, since in this compound word, there is no consonant for the e to leap over. -ay is found at the end of a syllable. We cannot use [oa] because it is found at the beginning or middle of a syllable. -ow is the most common possible spelling, and that is correct. Answer: The first vowel is a diphthong. We use [ou] at the beginning and middle of syllables. The second syllable is a long /o/ vowel team. We use [-ow] at the end of syllables. The suffix is a closed syllable, so the vowel is short. POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Explain the spellings and pronunciation of the vowels. Write your answer in complete sentences.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 2 Lesson 1 of 3
Based on what you know about the cow card, what can you infer about the highlighted spelling on the boy card? Based on what I know about the cow card, I can infer... Direct Instruction: Based on what I know about the cow card, I can infer that the most common spelling for the vowel sound in the word boy is [ou]. It is typically found at the beginning or middle of a syllable.
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. soil boil choice point oil noise broil moist avoid coil choices foil Direct Instruction:
~ ~ e a p p o i n t m o i s t u r i z e / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE / e a p p o i n t V C C V Guided: ap-point: The first syllable is open under the control of the schwa, which is common in words beginning with [a]. The last syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a word. mois-ture-ize: The first syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a word. The middle syllable is r-control. The last syllable is magic e. ~ / m o i s t u r i z e V C C V V
~ ~ m i d p o i n t e a v o i d l o i t e r / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE m i d p o i n t V C C V Independent Practice: mid-point: The first syllable is closed. The second syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a syllable. a-void: The first syllable is open under the control of the schwa, which is common in words beginning with [a]. The last syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a word. loi-ter: The first syllable is diphthong. This word is a rule breaker. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a syllable. For this reason, the students may divide after the letter [t]. It is a reasonable conclusion, but the PowerPoint divided the word like it is in the dictionary. The last syllable is r-control. ~ e a v o i d l o i t e r V C V V C V
If we divide words between vowels, why don’t we divide between the vowels in the word boil? Checking for Understanding: When syllabicating, we are not counting the number of vowel letters, we are counting the number of vowel sounds. Since [oi] work together to make a single sound, we would not divide between them.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 2 Lesson 2 of 3
When spelling, what does the dash direct you to do? Direct Instruction: The dash indicates the place value of the spelling pattern. [-oy] is typically found at the end of a syllable. If you hear [oi] at the end of a syllable, spell it with [-oy].
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. toy joy royal annoy coy Direct Instruction:
~ ~ ~ e a n n o y i n g c o r d u r o y / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE / e a n n o y i n g V C C V Guided: an-noy: Separate the suffix [-ing] before syllabicating the word. The first syllables is closed but under control of the schwa. The second syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-oy] at the end of a syllable. cor-dur-oy: The first and second syllables are r-control. The last syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-oy] at the end of a syllable. Use [c] before [o]. ~ ~ / c o r d u r o y V C V V
~ ~ o y s t e r e v o y a g e c o w b o y / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ INDEPENDENT PRACTICE o y s t e r V C C V Independent Practice: oy-ster: There is disagreement among dictionaries as to where to divide this word. Some divide according the the cutting pattern vccv. The first syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-oy] at the end of a syllable, which is why the word is divided where it is on this slide. This is consistent with some dictionaries. The last syllable is r-control. voy-age: The first syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [-oy] in the end of a syllable. The last syllable is magic e. [g] followed by [e] says /j/. cow-boy: Both syllables are diphthong. We expect to see [-ow] and [-oy] in the end of a syllable. Use [c] before [o]. e v o y a g e c o w b o y V C V V C V
Which spelling on the cheese card is most similar to -ow? Direct Instruction: The dash indicates the place value of the spelling pattern. [-oy] is typically found at the end of a syllable. If you hear [oi] at the end of a syllable, spell it with [-oy].
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 2 Lesson 3 of 3
How does the knowledge of prefixes and suffixes help us to divide words quickly? Direct Instruction: Answer: Separating the affixes help us to find the base word quicker. Often, we can determine the pronunciation by just using our eyes.
~ e r e a p p o i n t e d e e e u n a v o i d a b l e / / / GUIDED Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE / e r e a p p o i n t e d V C C V Guided: Attempt to determine the pronunciation first before syllabicating it. Only go through the steps of syllabication if you need to. ap-point: Separate the prefix [re-] and the suffix [-ed] before syllabicating the word. The first syllable is open under the control of the schwa, which is common in words beginning with [a]. The last syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a word. a-void-a-ble: Separate the prefix [-un] before syllabicating the word. The first syllable is open under the control of the schwa, which is common in words beginning with [a]. The second syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a word. The third syllable is open but under control of the schwa. The last syllable is –cle. / e e e u n a v o i d a b l e V C V C V
~ d i s j o i n t e d u n e m p l o y e d / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE d i s j o i n t e d V Independent Practice: joint: Separate the prefix [dis-] and the suffix [-ed] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. We expect to see [oi] in the middle of a word. em-ploy: Separate the prefix [un-] and the suffix [-ed] before syllabicating the word. The first syllable is closed. The second syllable is diphthong. u n e m p l o y e d V C C C V
~ ~ e m b r o i d e r e d / / V C C C V C V V V VCCV Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ / e m b r o i d e r e d V C C C V C V POP QUIZ: Students syllabicate the words to prove the pronunciation. Then, they explain how they know the number of syllables in the words. Students must work on this independently and write their answers in complete sentences on lined paper. em-broi-der: Separate the suffix [-ed] before syllabicating the word. The first vowel is a closed. The second syllable is diphthong. We typically use [-oi] in the middle of syllables. For this reason, some students may cut after the [d]. This is acceptable. The reason it is cut this way in the PowerPoint is because most dictionaries divide here. The third syllable is r-control. Answer: The base word “embroider” has three syllables because it has three vowel sounds: short /e/, diphthong /oi, and r-control /er/. POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. How do you know the base word has three syllables? Write your answer in complete sentences.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 3 Lesson 1 of 3
The most common spelling for the sound in spoon is oo. Direct Instruction:
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. too room zoo tool school moody Direct Instruction:
~ g u e s t r o o m e t a b l e s p o o n / / / GUIDED PRACTICE Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / / GUIDED PRACTICE g u e s t r o o m V CC C V Guided: guest-room: In the first syllable, the letter [u] is silent. It is there, to keep the /g/ sound. Without it, the [g] would be followed by an [e] and would therefore say /j/. The first syllable is closed. The last syllable is diphthong. It is a compound word. ta-ble-spoon: The first syllable is open. The second syllable is –cle, which is found at the end of a word. It is in the middle because this word is compound. The last syllable is diphthong. It is a compound word. / e t a b l e s p o o n V CVC C C V
~ s c h o o l r o o m e s c o o p f u l p o o d l e / INDEPENDENT Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE s c h o o l r o o m V C C V Independent Practice: school-room: Both syllables are diphthong. Use [c] before a consonant. It is a compound word. scoop-ful: Separate the suffix [-ful] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. Use [c] before o. poo-dle: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is –cle. e s c o o p f u l p o o d l e
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 3 Lesson 2 of 3
How common is the ui spelling for the sound on spoon? Direct Instruction: Since [ui] is the last spelling on the card, I an infer that [ui] is an uncommon spelling the vowel sound in spoon.
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. suit fruit bruise fruitcake Direct Instruction:
~ s n o w s u i t e n u i s a n c e / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C V V C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE / s n o w s u i t V C V Independent Practice: snow-suit: Both syllables are dipththong. Use [c] before a consonant. It is a compound word. Problem-solve the spelling for the long /o/. We cannot use a single [o] because there are only a few single syllable words that end with an open syllable /o/; go, no, and so. We cannot use magic e, since in this compound word, there is no consonant for the e to leap over. -ay is found at the end of a syllable. We cannot use [oa] because it is found at the beginning or middle of a syllable. -ow is the most common possible spelling, and that is correct. nui-sance: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is closed but under control of the schwa, which is common in two syllable words. The final [e] is silent, but it makes the [c] say /s/. / e n u i s a n c e V C V
~ f r u i t c a k e j u i c y g r a p e f r u i t / INDEPENDENT Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE f r u i t c a k e V C C V Independent Practice: fruit-cake: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is magic e. Use [c] before [a]. This is a compound word. juic-y: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is open. Y says long /e/ at the end of polysyllable words. [c] says /s/ when it is before [y]. grape-fruit: The first syllable is magic e. We see the magic e in the first syllable, because it is a compound word. The last syllable is diphthong. j u i c y g r a p e f r u i t V C V V C CC V
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 3 Lesson 3 of 3
Where in a syllable can you expect to see the spelling ue? Direct Instruction: The dash indicates the place value of the spelling pattern. [-ue] is typically found at the end of a syllable.
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. clue glue clues glued Direct Instruction:
~ s h o e l e s s v a l u e l e s s / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C V V V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE / s h o e l e s s Guided: shoe: Separate the suffix [-less] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. [oe] is so uncommon, it is not on our sound-symbol card. val-ue: Separate the suffix [-less] before syllabicating the word. The first syllable is closed. The second syllable is diphthong. / v a l u e l e s s V C V
~ ~ c l u e l e s s p u r s u e u n t r u e / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE c l u e l e s s Independent Practice: clue: Separate the suffix [-less] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. pur-sue: The first syllable is r-control. The second syllable is diphthong. true: Separate the prefix [un-] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. ~ p u r s u e u n t r u e V C V
~ ~ c a r p o o l e d / / V C V V V VCCV Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ / c a r p o o l e d V C V POP QUIZ: Students syllabicate the words to prove the pronunciation. Then, they explain how they know the number of syllables in the words. Students must work on this independently and write their answers in complete sentences on lined paper. car-pool: Separate the suffix [-ed] before syllabicating the word. The first vowel is a r-control. The second syllable is diphthong. A digraph is two consonant sounds. Use [c] before [a]. It is a compound word. Answer: A diphthong is a combination of two vowels that make a new vowel sound when they are found next to each other. It is similar to [sh], because when these two consonants stand together, they make a new consonant sound. POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Define a diphthong syllable. How is it similar to sh? Write your answer in complete sentences.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 4 Lesson 1 of 3
oo can make two different sounds. Direct Instruction:
Read the spelling words that contain this sound Read the spelling words that contain this sound. shook hook cook book look good hood foot crooked brook soot hooked crook wood wooden good-bye Direct Instruction:
~ ~ c o o k b o o k u n d e r f o o t / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / / GUIDED PRACTICE c o o k b o o k V C C V Guided: Both syllables are diphthong. It is a compound word. Use [c] before [o]. Use [k] at the end of one-syllable words that are not lucky (-ck). The first syllable is closed. The second syllable is r-control. The last syllable is diphthong. It is a compound word. ~ / u n d e r f o o t V C C V C V
~ g o o d y f o o t l e s s b o o k c a s e / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE g o o d y V C V Independent Practice: good-y: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is open. [y] at the end of a polysyllable word says long /e/. foot: Separate the suffix [-less] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. book-case: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is magic e. We usually use [k] at the end of single syllable words that are not lucky (-ck). We see [k] at the end of the first syllable because the word is compound. Use [c] before [a]. f o o t l e s s b o o k c a s e V C C V
Compare and contrast –ow and oo. Checking for Understanding: Both –ow and oo make two different sounds. The –ow makes a diphthong sound and a long /o/. [oo] makes two different diphthong sounds.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 4 Lesson 2 of 3
What two sounds does oo make? Direct Instruction:
~ f o o t s t o o l n o t e b o o k / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C C C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / / GUIDED PRACTICE f o o t s t o o l V C C C V Guided: foot-stool: Both syllables are diphthong. It is a compound word. note-book: The first syllable is magic e. We usually find magic e at the end of a word, but we see it in the first syllable because it is a compound word. The second syllable is diphthong. We usually use [c] at the end of polysyllable words, but we see [c] here. This is because this word is compound word. We use [k] at the ends of one syllable words that are not lucky (-ck). / n o t e b o o k V C C V
~ f i s h h o o k c o o k i e w o o d p i l e / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE f i s h h o o k V C C V Independent Practice: fish-hook. The first syllable is closed. The last syllable is diphthong. We usually use [c] at the end of polysyllable words, but we see [c] here. This is because this word is compound word. We use [k] at the ends of one syllable words that are not lucky (-ck). It is a compound word. coo-kie: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is long /e/ vowel time. [ie] can say the long /i/ sound, but it is usually in single syllable words (e.g. pie, tie, lie, die.) Otherwise, the [e] is the captain of the team and says the long /e/ sound. This is the only vowel team in which the second member is the captain. Most dictionaries divide after the [k]. Use [c] before [o]. Use [k] before [i]. wood-pile: The first syllable is diphthong. The last syllable is magic e. It is a compound word. c o o k i e w o o d p i l e V C V V C C V
Is there any way to know which sound oo makes in a word? Checking for Understanding: No, there is no way to know for sure. Use trial and error starting with the sound in spoon, because it is more common.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 4 Lesson 3 of 3
How does the knowledge of prefixes and suffixes help us to divide words quickly? Direct Instruction: Answer: Separating the affixes help us to find the base word quicker. Often, we can determine the pronunciation by just using our eyes.
~ u n h o o k e d r e r o o f i n g / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V V VCCV Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / / GUIDED PRACTICE u n h o o k e d Guided: hook: Separate the prefix [un-] and the suffix [-ed] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. Use [k] at the end of one syllable words that are not lucky (-ck). roof: Separate the prefix [re-] and the suffix [-ing] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. / r e r o o f i n g
~ ~ ~ w o o d c a r v e r s p o o n f u l m o o n l e s s / Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ ~ INDEPENDENT PRACTICE w o o d c a r v e r V C C V Independent Practice: wood-carv(e): Separate the suffix [-er] before syllabicating the word. The first syllable is diphthong. The second syllable is r-control. It is a compound word. The base word carve ended with a [ve] but the [e] was dropped when the suffix was added. Remember, never end a word with [v], always add an [e]. Use [c] before [a]. It is a compound word. spoon: Separate the suffix [-ful] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. moon: Separate the suffix [-ful] before syllabicating the word. The base word is diphthong. s p o o n f u l m o o n l e s s
~ s c h o o l r o o m / V C C V V V VCCV Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / s c h o o l r o o m V C C V POP QUIZ: Students syllabicate the words to prove the pronunciation. Then, they explain how they know the number of syllables in the words. Students must work on this independently and write their answers in complete sentences on lined paper. school-room: Both syllables are diphthong. Use [c] before a consonant. It is a compound word. Answer: Even though this word has four vowels, it is only two syllables. This is because [oo] is a diphthong. They work together to make a new sound. In this word, [oo] makes one sound in the first syllable and a different sound in the second syllable. POP QUIZ: Syllabicate this word. Show your work. Why are there only two syllables even though there are four vowels in this word?
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 Lesson 1 of 3
This is our last diphthong sound-spelling card This is our last diphthong sound-spelling card. What can you infer about the highlighted spelling? Direct Instruction: [au] is less common than [-aw]. It can be found at the beginning or middle of a syllable.
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. pause fault bought launch sauce because caught laundry Direct Instruction:
~ ~ r e l a u n c h i n g g r a n d d a u g h t e r / / / GUIDED Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE / r e l a u n c h i n g Guided: launch: Separate the prefix [re-] and the suffix [-ing] before syllabicating the word. The base word is a diphthong. We expect to see [au] in the middle of a word. grand-daught-er: The first syllable is closed. The second syllable is the diphthong grapheme pattern [augh]. The last syllable is r-control. The dictionary divides this word after the letter [t]. ~ / g r a n d d a u g h t e r V C C C V C V
~ d i s t r a u g h t u n d a u n t e d f a u l t l e s s / Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE d i s t r a u g h t Independent Practice: traught: Separate the prefix [dis-] before syllabicating the word. The remaining syllable contains the diphthong grapheme pattern [augh]. Traught is not a true base word and has no meaning by itself; it needs the prefix for meaning. daunt: Separate the prefix [un-] and the suffix [-ed]. The base word is a diphthong syllable. fault: Separate the suffix [-less]. The base word is a diphthong syllable. u n d a u n t e d f a u l t l e s s
Which short vowel card sounds most like the vowel on the straw card? Checking for Understanding: In California, the [au] and [-aw] sound like the short /o/. In some states, these letter combinations make a different sound.
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 Lesson 2 of 3
We usually use –aw at the end of a word. claw We usually use –aw at the end of a word...claw. Although it can come before an [n]...yawn or an [l]...shawl Direct Instruction:
Read the spelling words that contain this spelling Read the spelling words that contain this spelling. draw saw law jaw fawn hawk raw paw crawl lawn thaw Direct Instruction:
~ s q u a w k e r c h a i n s a w i n g / / / GUIDED PRACTICE V C C V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / GUIDED PRACTICE / s q u a w k e r Guided: squawk: Separate the suffix [-er]. The base word is a diphthong syllable. Use [k] at the end of one syllable words that are not lucky (-ck). chain-saw: Separate the suffix [-ed]. The first syllable is a long /a/ vowel team. We expect to see [ai] in the middle of a word. The second syllable is diphthong. We expect to see [aw] at the end of a word. It is a compound word. Problem-solve the spelling for the long /a/. This could have been a magic e, since this is a compound word, but the originator of the spelling did not choose it. We cannot use a single [a] because the syllable ends with a consonant. This would make the vowel say a short sound. -ay is found at the end of a syllable. ai is the most common possible spelling, and that is correct. / c h a i n s a w i n g V C C V
~ r e d r a w u n l a w f u l b r a w l e d f l a w l e s s / Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / INDEPENDENT PRACTICE r e d r a w u n l a w f u l Independent Practice: draw: Separate the suffix [-less]. The base word is a diphthong syllable. We expect to see [-aw] at the end of a syllable. law: Separate the prefix [un-] and the suffix [-ful]. The base word is a diphthong syllable. We expect to see [-aw] at the end of a syllable. brawl: Separate the suffix [-ed]. The base word is a diphthong syllable. We expect to see [-aw] at the end of a syllable, but it can be followed by an [l]. flaw: Separate the suffix [-less]. The base word is a diphthong syllable. We expect to see [-aw] at the end of a syllable. b r a w l e d f l a w l e s s
What is similar about the highlighted spellings of these cards? Direct Instruction: They all have two letters that make a single vowel sound. All are found at the end of syllable. They can all be followed by an [n] or an [l].
Treasures Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 Lesson 3 of 3
marshmallow voyage daydreamer bedazzle circumscribe applause convince POP QUIZ: Syllabicate these words. Show your work. marshmallow voyage daydreamer bedazzle circumscribe applause convince POP QUIZ: On lined paper, have students syllabicate these words. Then, while going over the correct syllabication answers on the following slides, have the students answer the questions posed. Responses may be oral or written.
When syllabicating, what do you need to remember about the letters sh? Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ m a r s h m a l l o w POP QUIZ: marsh-mal-low: The first syllable is r-control. The second syllable is closed. The last syllable is long /o/ vowel team. Together, s and h make a new consonant sound. Mark them with a single consonant when syllabicating words. V C C V CC V When syllabicating, what do you need to remember about the letters sh?
Explain the pronunciation of the letter g in this word. Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / e 2. v o y a g e V V POP QUIZ: voy-age: The first syllable is diphthong. We expect to see –oy at the end of a syllable. The last syllable is magic e. Some students may have marked it as being under the control of the schwa. Either way is acceptable. We spell /j/ as [ge] a the end of the words. Explain the pronunciation of the letter g in this word.
Why did you cut this word where you did? Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / 3. d a y d r e a m e r POP QUIZ: day-dream-er: Separate the suffix [er] before syllabicating the word. Both syllables are vowel teams. We expect to see –ay at the end of a syllable. Even though this word contains a vccv cutting pattern, I cut after the y. When cutting compound words, always divide between the two base words. V C C V Why did you cut this word where you did?
How many syllables does this word have? How do you know? Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / e 4. b e d a z z l e V C V POP QUIZ: be-daz-zle: The first syllable is open. The second syllable is closed. The last syllable is –cle. This word has three syllables because it has three vowel sounds. We don’t see the last vowel because it has been turned invisible, but we hear it. The last vowel is under the control of the schwa. How many syllables does this word have? How do you know?
Explain the sounds for the three letter c’s in this word. Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ 5. c i r c u m s c r i b e POP QUIZ: cir-cum-scribe: The first syllable is r-control. The second syllable is closed. The last syllable is magic e. [ci] says /s/. [c] before [u] says /k/. [c] before a consonant says /k/. V C V C C C C V Explain the sounds for the three letter c’s in this word.
Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / e 6. a p p l a u s e V C C C V POP QUIZ: ap-plause: The first syllable is closed and under the control of the schwa. The last syllable is a diphthong syllable. An [e] at the end of a word is typically silent. The vowel [a] makes its expected sound, because words that begin with the letter [a] are often under schwa’s control. What type of syllable is the first syllable? Does it make its expected sound? Explain why or why not.
Explain the sounds for the three letter c’s in this word. Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / e 7. c o n v i n c e V C C V POP QUIZ: con-vince: The first syllable is closed but under the control of the schwa. This is common in words beginning with con and com. The last syllable is closed. The final e is silent. Answer: The first [c] says /k/ because it is followed by the letter [o]. The final [c] says /s/ because it comes before an [e]. Explain the sounds for the three letter c’s in this word.
CONGRATULATIONS! LOOK AT ALL YOU KNOW! POP QUIZ: con-vince: The first syllable is closed but under the control of the schwa. This is common in words beginning with con and com. The last syllable is closed. The final e is silent. Answer: The first [c] says /k/ because it is followed by the letter [o]. The final [c] says /s/ because it comes before an [e]. LOOK AT ALL YOU KNOW!
Treasures Grade 2 Units 5-6 There are no more lessons for units 5 and 6. Should your students require additional practice, select unknown words from their reading.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e e Template Template e e e / / / / PRACTICE V C V V C V V V Underline Swoop Divide Mark Blend V V VCCV ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ e e PRACTICE / / / Template V C V V C V Use this template to create follow-up lessons if your students require additional practice. You can drag the symbols onto to page as needed. Template e e e