3rd Grade Newsletter P-G Elem. April 4-8 Math Specials Helpers Monday-Time to the Minute Tuesday- A.M. and P.M. Wednesday-Measure Time Intervals Thursday- Problem Solving- Time Intervals Friday- Mid-Chapter Checkpoint Specials Monday- Keyboarding- 1:45-2:15 Music-2:15-2:45 Tuesday- P.E. 12:30-1:00 Wednesday- Music-2:00-2:30 Guidance- 2:30-3:00 Thursday- Library 1:30-2:00 Art- 2:55-3:25 Friday- P.E. – 11:55-12:30 Science- Habitats Social Studies- Tuesday- Review for test Wednesday- Test Spelling Words 1. unfold 2. rejoin 3. untie 4. reheat 5. unfair 6. unclear 7. repaid 8. rewrite 9. unhurt 10. recheck 11. unlucky 12. unwrap 13. reuse 14. unsure 15. reread 16. unsafe Challenge Words 17. unbuckle 18. unknown Helpers Line Leader- Shayna Line Ender- Emmit Teacher Helper- Charlie Pillows- Kaytlin, Josie, Evan, Piper Chair- Kalli Reminders/ Notes *The 4th graders will be hosting a Bake Sale on Monday, (or possibly Tuesday and Wednesday, depending on when they run out) each baked good will be $1. This money will go towards the Fite family! *Friday will be a hat day- so please bring $1 to wear a hat! We are planning to do our state testing the week of April 18-22. Platte Food Center Receipts will END March 31st. That is the very last date that can be on them, NO April dates can be on them. We will be collecting these until April 8. So please get these turned in ASAP and let anyone know that also may collect these of these dates. These receipts are very helpful to our teachers and students here at Platte-Geddes Elementary to purchase new items for next year! Thank you very much for collecting these throughout the school year, it is appreciated very much! Reading/Language Arts Story: Dog-of-the-Sea-Waves Essential Question: What changes do volcanoes cause? Writing: Narrative Writing Comprehension: Author’s Purpose Vocabulary Strategies: Shades of meaning Grammar: Complex Sentences