Writing Complaint letters Heather Nelson English 304
Outline Steps for complaint resolution Purpose of Complaint Letter Tips for writing a Complaint Letter What To Include Sample letter Sources
Complaint Resolution Before starting- Start a file or log to record all contacts and documents. Contact the seller. Contact the manufacturer. Contact Industry Trade Associations. Contact local and state Consumer Protection. Contact the local BBB.
Purpose of Complaint Letter Know your purpose and stick to the point. Clearly make complaint. State directly why you are making the complaint. Indicate what they can do to address your complaint and in what time frame. Explain why your request should be granted.
Tips For Writing Complaint Letter Get the facts Type letter (if possible) Keep letter short and concise without leaving out any facts Remain diplomatic and courteous
Tips For Writing Complaint Letter Include copies of documentation, do NOT include originals Keep copy of letter for your records
What Information To Include Describe purchase Name of product (Serial Number) Date and place of purchase State problem Give history Ask for specific action Allow time for action State how you can be reached Enclose copies of documents
Don’t Get the Results You Desire Write another letter and be firmer. Write to someone higher up the chain of command.
Questions? If you have any questions about the presentation feel free to email me at nelson.706@buckeyemail.osu.edu Sample Complaint Website- http://www.consumeraction.gov/caw_problems_sample_complaint.shtml
Sources Consumer Action Handbook, 2010. Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Services Admin., Federal Citizen Information Center, 2010. 51-55. Print. Heaps, Stacie. "Write Complaint Letters That Get Results." WriteExpress: The #1 Choice for Sample Letters. Web. 06 July 2010. <http:// www.writeexpress.com/complaint-letters.html>. Loeb, Marshall. "Don't Get Mad, Write A Letter." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [Pittsburgh] 29 Oct. 2006: D3. Print.