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Presentation transcript:

This project is co-funded by the European Union I3U “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union“ Kick off meeting - 10 March 2015 Venue: ISIS – Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems Largo dei Lombardi, 4 00186 Rome, Italy This project is co-funded by the European Union

Workpackage 5: Openness and Europe’s Creative Potential C19: Creative Industries C20: Open Access to Research Results / Research Information Services C21: Facilitating Effective Collaborative Research and Knowledge Transfer C22: Develop a European knowledge market for patens and licensing C23: Safeguard against the use of IPRs for anti-competitve purposes Commitment 14: Deliver the EU Patent: “The European Parliament and Council should take the necessary steps to adopt the proposals on the EU patent (at present European patent with unitary effect or unitary patent), its linguistic regime and the unified system of dispute settlement.” Commitment 15: Screen the regulatory framework in key areas: “Starting in 2011 EU and Member States should undertake a screening of the regulatory framework in key areas, starting with those linked to eco-innovation and to the European Innovation Partnerships. This will identify the rules that need to be improved or updated and/or new rules that need to be implemented in order to provide sufficient and continuous incentives to drive innovation. The Commission will provide guidance on how best to organise this screening exercise.” Commitment 16: Speed up and modernise standard-setting: “In early 2011, as a first step, the Commission will present a Communication accompanied by a legislative proposal on standardisation, which will inter alia cover the ICT sector, in order to speed up and modernise standard-setting to enable interoperability and foster innovation in fast-moving global markets. This will be combined with a multi-annual programme to anticipate new standardisation needs and integration of standards into R&D projects in the research Framework Programme. The Communication will also examine options for ensuring in a longer term perspective that the standardisation system is able to adapt to the quickly evolving environment and to contribute to Europe’s strategic internal and external objectives (relating, among others, to innovation and technological development), including through the launch of an independent review.” Commitment 17: Set aside dedicated national procurement budgets for innovation. Set up a EU level support mechanism and facilitate joint procurement: “From 2011, Member States and regions should set aside dedicated budgets for precommercial procurements and public procurements of innovative products and services (including those defined by the Innovation Partnerships). This should create procurement markets across the EU starting from at least €10 billion a year for innovations that improve the efficiency and quality of public services, while addressing the major societal challenges. The aim should be to achieve innovative procurement markets equivalent to those in the US. The Commission will provide guidance and set up a (financial) support mechanism to help contracting authorities to implement these procurements in a non-discriminatory and open manner, to pool demand, to draw up common specifications, and to promote SME access. In addition, the Commission will offer guidance on implementing joint procurements between contracting entities under the current public procurement directives and use the ongoing general evaluation of the current directives to examine the opportunity to introduce additional rules to make cross border joint procurements easier.” Commitment 18: Present an eco-innovation action plan: By early 2011, the Commission will present an eco-innovation action plan building on the Innovation Union and focusing on the specific bottlenecks, challenges and opportunities for achieving environmental objectives through innovation.

WP5: Objectives Innovation beyond the solution of a technical problem by inventive companies Non-technical innovation becomes more important including design of products or the delivery mechanism; Innovation policy beyond R&D still lacks empirical justification within the logic of market failure New forms of division of labour within innovation processes (e.g. public sector, specialist private companies like drug developers, chip design firms) This work package aims at increasing our knowledge about the broader set of knowledge assets which are used to generate new product and processes; improve our understanding of knowledge circulation within the public, within the private and between the public and private entities; outlining the trade-off between stronger and weaker IPR rights and the link between IPR and competition policy

Task 5.1: The Role of Design in Creative Industries Highlight the innovative core of creative industries (Potts 2009)  Review of the literature on design-based innovation  Discuss the report and policy recommendations of the European Design Leadership Board (Thomson and Koskinen 2009)  Critically assess whether at all and which government intervention (at EU, national, regional/local level) will spur the European Design industries

Task 5.2: Open Access to Research Results and Research Information Services Inquire into the status and usage of open access journals, open access portals and databases in order to provide recommendations on supporting and promoting open access and recommendations on (and possibly implementations of) joint information systems supporting open access such as EU level portals/databases. Construction of a comprehensive database of EU peer reviewed open access journals by using information from national and international portals and databases. Use of open access sources in SMEs by means of a qualitative study on information collecting habits of a few highly innovative firms in Croatia

Task 5.3: Facilitating Effective Collaborative Research and Knowledge Transfer Explore collaboration effort patterns of companies participating in EU programs (notably FP7) And compare this patterns among companies not participating in EU programs Identify obstacles and factor hampering cooperation and derive policy recommendations Explore extent and quality of involvement of TTOs at universities and pubic research institutes on transfer of new knowledge and technologies

Task 5.4: Develop a European knowledge market for patents and licensing Number of patents dramatically increased in the last two decade; Increasing diversity of patent ownership (Large companies, SMEs, non-producing entities (including single inventors), universities, public research institute); Markets for patents are notoriously incomplete Examine the role of national or regional platforms for exchange of patents; Has the exchange of knowledge via patents increased? Analyse changes in the ownership of patents and test whether ownership changes documented in patent databases (PATSTAT) give a reasonable good picture of the development of the effectiveness of the markets for knowledge in the EU Reflecting the current policy discussion (e.g. recommendations of the Expert Group on IPR Valorisation 2012) or related studies on mechanism to improve the efficiency of markets for patents in Europe like ITEM-HSG et al. (2012) .

Task 5.5: Safeguard against the use of IPRs for anti-competitive purposes Literature review on patent litigation case and agreements to settle patent conflicts Literature review on abuse of patent system by private companies (e.g. trolls, non-producing entities Analysing the social costs of patent disputes and the use of IP as strategic weapon in the market place

WP 5: Deliverables D5.1: Economic rationales and likely impacts of public support to design-based innovation (summarizing 4 working papers for task 5.1) (M12) – ULB D5.2: Review Paper on the conflict of IP and competition laws with regard to horizontal agreement between companies (M18) - ZEW D5.3: Working paper on collaboration patterns and characteristics of companies that collaborated and that did not collaborate in FP7 programs (M24) - EIZ D5.4: A register of EU open access portals, databases, peer review journals including information on EU open access journals in relevant literature databases (M28) - EIZ D5.5: Working paper about case study of the Croatian TTOs with the aim to identify possible problems and needs for future interventions (M30) - EIZ D5.6: Working paper on quality of indicators based on changes of ownership of EPO patents (M30) - ZEW

WP 5: Resources Person months per partner: UM-MERIT: 1.5 SEURECO: 2 ULB: 6 ZEW: 13 EIZ: 6 ULB: Michele Cincera ZEW: Georg Licht, Bettina Peters, Vanessa Behrens, Maikel Pellens EIZ: Andrea Merwar, Sonja Radas Task allocation: Task 5.1 ULB Task 5.2 EIZ Task 5.3 EIZ Task 5.4 ZEW Task 5.5 ZEW

WP 5: Relation with other workpackages (preliminary) C19 <-> C6; C13; C15; C16; C19; C20; C21; C26; C28 C20 <-> C9; C10; C19; C22; C23; C15; C26; C28; C21 <-> C13; C19; C6; C22; C23; C22 <-> C13; C14; C23; C23 <-> C13; C14; C22 Links of WPs to WP9 and WP10 needs to be discussed

WP 5: Immediate actions Access to CIS data in EU safe center EIZ will, in line with the proposal, subcontract Institute for Social Research (Zagreb) where a team of researchers is specialized in bibliometrics/scientometrics for majority of 5.2 task Identification of existing open access sources Prepare ownership information in PATSTAT Literature Review on Papers on Court Cases on competition and patents

WP5: Open points Question by ULB: Since the project will last 3 years, is it possible to shift task 5.1 as ULB also has o work on it’s main task WP3. Linkages with other work packages & macro-economics modelling

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